Chapter 42

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After hearing Momonouske's words, it gave me the boost I needed to face Kaido. I am not naïve to think that I could ever win, but that won't stop me from keeping him here as long as I can.

I brought my sword up in front of me, debating on if I should make the first move or not. I glanced at his posture, taking notice of how he stood there with the club hanging beside him, not taking his eyes off me.

Realizing I would have to make the first move, I took a breath in before letting out a deep sigh. What did I just get myself into... As the thought crossed my mind, I glanced back over to Kin'emon, who was unconscious. Right.

Letting out a small grunt, I dashed forward, swinging my sword up in the air above me, coming in contact with Kaido's club. Not waiting for a second, I brought my sword back and swung again.

This went on for a few more swings, before the force of our weapons colliding threw me back a couple feet. As I slid to a stop, I let out a few huffs, attempting to catch my breath. I need to think of something, exchanging blows like this won't work for long.

Once I regained my breath, I lunged forward again, preparing to attack. As I watched Kaido, raise his arm to block the oncoming blow, I took the opportunity to use Observstion Haki. Just those few seconds was enough to tell me, that his left side was completely wide open.

Once I was right in front of Kaido, he began to bring his club down towards me. Before he could land a blow, I immediately altered my course and swung to his left side, swinging my sword onto his leg.

As my sword made contact, his club hit the ground, causing debris to fly everywhere. Once the dust settled, I looked to see my sword was digging into his leg, but it wasn't enough to Pierce through his skin. Not good enough. And he isn't even using Haki...

I sweat dropped at the thought, however, that didn't last long. As I felt a force collide with my side, throwing me into a nearby wall.

"GAHHH!" I let out a yelp as I felt my back slam into the wall, falling down to the ground, a crater left behind from impact.

I let out a pained groan, pushing myself back up off the ground. "Not yet..." I whispered to myself, swaying my arms in front of me as I glanced up at Kaido. "I can't let you leave yet..." My voice was barely audible as I gripped my sword tightly, running forward.

Blow after blow, I kept going in for an attack, only to have it blocked effortlessly by Kaido. Even though it was futile and a waste of energy, I kept with the attacks, not caring if I managed to injure him or not. As long as I buy time.

I clenched my teeth as I noticed my movements becoming slower, struggling to keep myself steady as our weapons clash together. As I went to turn my body to land a blow, I lost my footing, causing me to slide to the side.

I let out a gasp, knowing there isn't enough time to regain my footing as I felt Kaido's club smash on my back, knocking me to the ground. "AHHH!"

I screwed my eyes shut at the searing pain running through my back, knowing without a doubt there's a huge gash.

I heard the sound of footsteps, opening one eye to see Kaido glaring down at me. "Hmph... and here I thought you'd put up much of a challenge." I clenched my teeth, as he continued. "To think you are part of the Straw Hats..."

I felt a pain in my chest at those words as I watched him turn his back on me. I knew going into this that by no means would I win, but still... hearing that made me feel guilty. Guilty that I couldn't do much. With that thought, I dug my fingers into the ground below me.

Watching as Kaido began to walk off, that guilt turned into anger, fueling me to push myself up off the ground. Ignoring the pain in my back, I stood myself up onto my feet, wobbling slightly.

"Where do you think you're going...?" I trailed off, picking my sword off the ground. "We're not done here, Kaido."

Hearing his name, Kaido stopped in his tracks, glancing back at me over his shoulder. I raised my sword up to point it at him. "I told you that I'm your opponent until Luffy comes back."

I placed my other hand onto the side of my head as blood trailed down, glaring up at Kaido. I was surprised as he turned back around to face me, but didn't show it and held my glare. "Worororo! If your looking to die that much, I'll give you what you want."

I blinked my eyes a few times as my vision blurred slightly. I closed my eyes, letting out a breath.


"Zoro!" I shouted, glancing over the railing, down at the sleeping mosshead below. Not receiving an answer I called his name a few more times before pouting.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" I turned my head to see Sanji coming out of the Kitchen.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "I want Zoro to help me train with my sword but the idiot won't wake up!" I groaned, crossing my arms.

Without another word, Sanji walked to the railing, looking over it just as I had before jumping down and kicking Zoro on the head. "Oi, Mosshead! Wake up!"

"... Hahhh?" Zoro trailed off, opening his eye, glaring at the cook in front of him. "The hell are you doing, perverted cook?"

Sanji's eyebrow twitched as the two began insulting each other back and forth before I got fed up. "Hey!" I shouted down to the two, gaining their attention. "Zoro I want you to train me!" I grinned.



It's been about 3 weeks since Zoro started training me, and it was hell on earth.

"Have you thought of a signature move yet?" Zoro asked, peeking his eye open, looking at me expectedly.

"Uhh, yeah... about that..." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "I can't do it."

Zoro got up and began to walk me through the steps, adjusting my posture. "Once you get a pose comfortable enough for you, you need to concentrate and focus on your move. Incision it. Once you begin to feel the energy flow through you, focus it into your blade. Keep that focus and attack with it."


I opened my eyes again, staring at Kaido with a determined gaze. Guess it's time to try it out... I built up the energy inside me, allowing it to flow into my sword, watching as it began to glow in a blue color.

Not wasting a second, I lunged forward, swinging my sword at Kaido and shouting what came to my head. "Kodai no doku... Itami Kasoku!" (Ancient Poison... Pain Acceleraion. So I could be wrong in the translation... but I tried my best o3o)

With all my strength, I stabbed my sword into Kaido's leg, in the spot where Kin'emon's attack impaled him, the wound still fresh. As my sword went through, I heard Kaido let out a grunt of pain.

It was silent for a moment before I pulled my sword out, stumbling back a couple of steps, vision blurring again. I'm at my limit... I glanced to Kaido, smirking. "How was that? Hehe..."

My eyes began to flutter closed as I felt myself being hit once more into the ground by Kaido's club. I squinted one eye open, watching through blurry vision as Kaido began to walk away, a slight stumble in his step. I grinned once more as my eye closed, darkness taking over me. I hope that was enough time... I've done all I could do, he's all yours... Luffy.

Published: 02/09/2023

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