Chapter 33

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While talking with Izuku, I learned that Luffy and Zoro, aka Zorojuro and Luffytaro, had already caused trouble in Wano and are now wanted criminals. Figures...

Not knowing anything else about the others or Law's group, I decided to stay low for the time being at Izuku's cabin. When time comes, I'm sure there will be some sort of signal that the attack will commence. Until then, all I can do is stay out of trouble.

"Wait- You wanna teach me Haki?" I asked, stunned, nearly dropping the bowl that resided in my hand.

"Yeah, besides, I'm sure you've come to realize it is very valuable to know in the New World." Izuku nodded, giving me a knowing look.

I thought back to our previous battles, each becoming more difficult than the last. She's right, we've been lucky to get this far, and that last battle took everything we had.

I began to dwell on the previous battles, how I could've done more, how I could've helped save Pedro, and how I've been holding everyone back. If I had known Haki, I could've avoided being captured time and time again.

I set the bowl down onto the table, still standing, peering down into said bowl. "Yeah... I'm aware."

"Well then..." Izuku let out a sigh, standing up, "Let's begin." She continued, voice peeking up in excitement.

"Uh... what?" I blanked, confused at her sudden burst of energy.


"OW! What the hell?!" I shouted, rubbing what will later be a bruise, on my head as I looked to my left.

"Come on, focus." Izuku instructed, "And by the way, I'm on your right not left."

I let out a groan, turning my head to the right. "I'm trying, but it's kinda hard when someone is smacking my head with a freaking club!" Not to mention how can I see when I got a blindfold on...

"Don't be such a baby." Izuku exasperated, a hint of teasing in her voice. "Now, again!"

I shook my head, letting out a sigh as I faced forward, resting my hands in my lap. I began to focus to my surroundings, every sound, smell, and feeling. I began to feel a tingling sensation erupt in my body, moving all throughout my veins. I began to focus on that feeling, imagining a blurry figure coming at me head on. At the last second, when the figure was right in front of me, I ducked my head down, feeling wind pass over my head.

"Good, you managed to dodge that blow." Izuku praised, as if she was happy. "Now, whatever you just did, keep at it. The more you do so, the easier and more clear the images will be. Observation Haki is quite difficult to grasp, you must rely on all your senses, besides sight. By heightening all your senses, it enhances all your reflexes and eventually, you'll be able to see and predict attacks before the come."

I nodded my head as I concentrated once again, letting that sensation spread until I seen the blurred figure once more, only this time, it was a little clearer. Upon further inspection, I was able to make out the shape of the club, and Izuku's hand that held the handle.

I watched as it began swinging towards my right. Judging by the way the handle was facing, it was safe to assume the attack was coming from behind me. As previous, I waited until it was right in front of me before I leaned my head to the left, barely dodging the blow.

"Seems you're starting to get the hang of this." Izuku mused, patting my head.

I smiled, using my observation to face the direction I assumed she was standing. "You think so?" I smiled, excited.

"Yeah." With the confirmation, I began smiling even bigger. "Now all you gotta do is dodge my club 100 times in a row!"

"Wha-?!" I gasped, smile disappearing. "1-100 times in a row?!"


During the few days of staying with Izuku and learning Haki, I would read the papers to keep updated on everyone. Turns out, Luffy got caught and sent to Udon, where Captain Eustass Kidd was being held too.

If memory serves, he, along with Scratchman Apoo and Basil Hawkins were allied together, meaning they were somewhere in Wano as well. Meaning, they were after Kaido too most likely.

But that wasn't all. Yesterday, Izuku returned from town handing me a slip of paper. Upon inspection, it looked to be just some symbol, however Izuku said it was a message.

To meet up at a port during the night of the upcoming fire festival.

She also mentioned how several citizens said it was a rebellion against the current shogun, Orochi, and Kaido... a raid.

Without a doubt, this was it. The sign. This message is from the others stating the day of the attack. With Law's brains and Kin'emon being from Wano, they must've came up with this.

With this information, I decided it was best to start finding the others. "Izuku... I-"

"Go on." She cut me off, giving me a smile. "I understand you need to go, so it's alright."

I gave her a small smile in appreciation before I ran up to her and gave her a hug." Thank you for these past few days... you've done so much for me."

She patted the back of my head, "Of course, now you best be going."

I nodded my head, letting go. "Right." I walked to the door opening it as I grabbed a small bag filled with a little bit of fruit. As I began to walk out the door, I turned to her and gave her another smile then closed the door.

Once I closed the door, I turned my head to face in front of me, glancing at the surrounding area. "If I'm correct, Izuku said there is a town to the west of here a couple miles away..."

Mentally nodding to myself, I began to make my way through the forest to the west. Seeing as how I will be walking for a while, I decided to focus to use my Haki while walking as a sort of training.

Since I have only been working to master Observation for a short period of time, I was no where near mastering it. So any little bit would help, even if it was just a little.

As I walked along the way, I admired the scenery around me. It was quite peaceful and full of greenery. The only thing that ruined its beautifulness, was the water. Izuku told me how Kaido's factory's began polluting the water, making it undrinkable and how several fell sick because of it.

It made my want of defeating Kaido even bigger, to help the people of Wano. They shouldn't have to live in a place where the water is toxic and the rations of food being scarce. It's inhumane.

After a while of walking, I sensed people not too far away. I stopped in my tracks, trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. I slowly began to make my way over to take a look, cautious to not be seen in case it was any enemies. I began to hear voices, and by the sound of it, it seems to be multiple people.

It sounded like cheering as someone shouted, "Now we have 4,200 troops!"

I got closer, standing behind a tree to take a look, I smiled when I saw Kin'emon, relaxing that it wasn't the enemies. "I have not heard from Law-dono yet..."

"Who cares if he calls or not?" A woman, dressed in pink asked, turning to him.

"We'll, he's pretty strong!" I snapped my head to Chopper as he told the woman. Chopper! That means-

Once I saw chopper, I immediately looked around to see everyone else was there, causing me to smile. I teared up, wiping my eyes, relieved that everyone is ok. Once I wiped the tears away, I walked out from behind the trees, exposing myself.

"Do you care if I join too?"

Published: 11/21/2022

By Your Sideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें