Chapter 25

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That was all I could do, was run. I braced myself against the wall in an attempt to stay upright as I made my way down the halls and stairs, my new objective was to find a way out before I got crushed.

There's no way I can find keys now, not with all this rubble falling about the castle. I let out a frustrated groan, having wasting all that time looking for nothing.

Now I needed to rejoin the others, problem being, I don't know where they are, or if they are okay. They were going up against Big Mom and her underlings when I took off into the castle, meaning they were either up too still, or managed to get away for the time being.

Putting my hopes on the latter, I pushed forward, making my way towards the Seducing Woods where all this started. That's the best place to start, hopefully the Sunny is docked there still.

"What the-?!" I gasped out as my hand sunk into the wall, the once hard surface, now as soft as a real cake would be. "How is that possible..."

I glanced up to the ceiling as light appeared, seeing the ceiling was cut away. I blocked my eyes from the sun shining in my face, watching the top half of the building fall down, along with the half I resided in.

I closed my eyes, squatting down, with my arms wrapped around my head as we crashed to the ground. Though I must say, it was a softer landing than it would've normally been had the building not turn into cake and frosting.

I broke through the surface of the frosting, gasping for air, wiping the residue off my face. Opening my eyes, I glanced around, seeing the others from the chateau as well, but none of my friends were.

I let out a small sigh of relief, standing up. Good, they must've gotten away before the building collapsed. I looked out into the distance, locating where the seducing wood would be. Seeing woods in the distance in front of me, I took the opportunity, due to all the confusion, and ran in that direction.

As luck would have it, I stopped peering to the right, seeing an object shining on the ground. I walked over and picked it up off the ground, a mirror.

I brought my finger towards the glass, watching as my finger began to pass through it. I thought back to have Brûlée used it to grab Chopper, Carrot, and I and trap us in the mirror world.

With this, I can make it to the Sunny quicker.

Without a second thought, I began to pass through the mirror and into the mirror world. I stood in front of the mirror I passed through, glancing around at all the walls littered with mirrors.

"Now, I need to find the right mirror..."  But how? I forgot to ask Chopper and Carrot how they managed to find a way out when we met up earlier.

"Big Brother, what are you planning on doing once you catch those fools?"

I froze at that voice, it was Brûlée. And by the sound of it, she isn't alone. "I will be taking Straw Hats head."

"I say we go to their ship and ambush them!" Brûlée shouted, "Just ask my mirrors and they will show you the way."

Crap, this isn't good, they're looking for the same mirror I am. "Show me to the Straw Hats ship." Brûlée spoke once more.

I heard multiple voices reply and mumble, before one spoke up louder than the rest. "This way lady Brûlée and sir Katakuri!"

"You go ahead, I'm going to wait for more of the soldiers to arrive." Brûlée announced. More?!

I heard footsteps beginning to approach, causing an internal panic to rack my body. I glanced around, noticing a wall I can perch behind, quickly making my way towards it.

I pressed my back against the wall, waiting as the footsteps got louder before they began retreating in the other direction. I quietly glanced around the corner as I caught sight of a man with pinkish purple hair, Katakuri.

Along with him were some chess piece soldiers, heading in the direction one of the mirrors said to go. What am I gonna do now?

Katakuri and a small army are going to be on the Sunny, ready to ambush the others, and Brûlée is here, waiting on more backup, where she can send them anywhere at any time.

Without realizing it, we are being slowly backed into a corner. I have no doubt that Big Mom is not too far behind, there's no way she'd let us escape this island.

I sat there, biting the mail of my thumb, racking my brain for some kind of solution. I heard more and more voices, looking over to the left, seeing multiple chess pieces gathering together.


Having a sudden idea, though it could end horribly, it was the only option I had laid out before me. I quietly began to sneak towards a chess piece that was in the very back of the crowd, back facing me, almost as if it were waiting for me to attack.

Once behind it, I reached my arms forward, clasping a hand over its mouth, while my other arm trapped its arms to its side. I pulled it with me behind a wall as it struggled in my grasp, hoping none of the others noticed.

I sat there for a couple minutes, tightening my grasp as it continued to struggle, until it went limp, unconscious in my arms.

Letting out a breath, I brought my hand away from its mouth, grabbing the sword from its hand and lying it against the wall, before I began to take its armor, wearing it.

I'm sorry... but I have no other choice. I frowned, as they lied unconscious, before grabbing the weapon in my hand. No time to think about that, I need to do all I can to help everyone. With a determined face, I rounded around the wall, joining the army as if I were one of them.

Hopefully this works. If I can sneak around as the enemy, I can get close to the others and protect them undercover.

And hopefully they can escape from here. I instinctively placed my fingertips on the collar once more. Even if they have to leave without me.

Published: 09/15/2022

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