Chapter 46

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A/N: Since I had some free time today, I decided to finish off the book by publishing the last two chapters at the same time! :) Enjoy~


I opened my eyes, when I didn't feel any pain, looking down only to gasp. As I processed what was going on, tears began to well in my eyes as the horror began to sink in.

"I-I failed..." My voice cracked as I stared at the arm going through my chest. "Again...." I stared down to the ground, noticing the vivre card lying there, now burning away.

"No-No this can't be..." I whispered, not believing what was happening. I watched as Akainu's arm began moving, phasing out of me as I heard Ace cough, causing me to turn around.

"Ace! NO!" A shout nearby, smacked me back to reality as I looked down at Ace, being held in Luffy's trembling arms, a hole in his back.

I brought my hands up to my head, grasping my hair as I sank to my knees. "W-Why... I was supposed to save him this time, so why?!" I shouted, ignoring how Akainu went in for another blow, ignoring Jimbei as he stepped in to block his fist.

"A-Ace... Hey... Ace, come on. You're okay, right?" Luffy's trembling voice caused a pain to go through me, hating to see this all over again.

"Please, I can't... I can't watch this again..." I choked out, tears rushing down my face. "DON'T MAKE ME WATCH THIS AGAIN!"

No one heard my pleas as I watched my past self try to save him once more, only for Ace to stop my attempt. "Don't."

I shook my hand, standing up. "No, I won't... I won't let you die again!" I shouted, anger taking over my sadness. In the midst of my yelling, I failed to notice how everything around me stopped.

Hearing nothing but silence, I glanced around, seeing everything around me froze.

"It's time."

The voice caused me to look around. "Who said that?!"

"(Y/N), it's time, you can save him."

I turned around as the voice sounded louder this time as I saw a man standing behind Luffy. "Who are you?"

"Your questions will be answered in time, but now you must save him."

I glanced down at Ace, as I remembered Izuku's words.

'If you ever begin to doubt yourself, remind yourself of why you are doing this.'

I glanced from the man down to the two brothers, a small smile reaching my face before I nodded. I leaned down to my knees, closing my eyes as I hovered my hands over the hole in Ace's back. Just like before, the feeling flowed through my body again as I concentrated harder. I felt the warm sensation flow through my body and I concentrated it all to my hands.

The feeling grew stronger as the verse popped into my head once more; this time, there was nothing to stop me. "Please... Let me heal the one before me, reverse the time and bring back what once was lost. Back to before injury, back before pain, and back to the way it used to be."

I opened my eyes as a bright light began to grow from my hands, glowing brighter as it began to blind me. I watched as a face of a clock formed around the hole made out of gold light, the hands slowly moving backwards.

I widened my eyes as I began to see the hole grow smaller, the blood fading way. After a few moments, the clock faded into the gold light, seeping into the now repaired skin, where a newly formed scar resided.

When the shock wore off, I looked up to the man with a 'did it work?' face. As I saw the man smile and nod slightly, I felt excitement fill me as I let out a happy gasp.

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