Chapter 37

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So far everything was going great. Usopp managed to knock out the watch guards and we now made our way onto Onigashima by disguising as the very enemy we faced.

What none of us were expecting, which you think we would've by now, was that Luffy and Zoro took off on their own.

Not even 5 minutes and the plan Law had had already gone astray. As Franky and Brook went in one direction using his motorcycle, Usopp, Carrot, Chopper, Nami, Sanji, and Shinobu went in the tank. That left Jimbei, Robin, and I.

The three of us made it through the enemies with no problem thanks to the disguises Kin'emon gave us.

"Man, seeing all these people drinking away and partying makes me think that I was just imagining this whole raid." I let out a dry chuckle as I watched them all drink away, having no idea the enemy is right under their noses.

"You're right, but you have to admit, this makes things easier for us." Robin added, chuckling.

I nodded my head before letting out a heavy sigh. "That's true, but something tells me we won't be able to go undetected for much longer... if you know what I mean."

"Hmmm... yes I can't help but to agree on that." Jimbei laughed, "Luffy isn't one to stay quiet with enemies around. But on the plus side, everyone is drunk and there is virtually no security."

"It's like an all-you-can-assassinate buffet." Robin smirked, turning to look at the both of us.

"Seriously Robin?" I let out a chuckle at her antics.

"Is that..." I heard Jimbei gasp out, "The Samurai have successfully snuck in."

"You're quite cute! Which unit do you belong to?"I turned to see a man had grabbed Robin from behind. "What's your name? Tell me. What is it?"

Without warning, she immediately grew an arm and chopped him on the back of the neck, making him fall to the ground unconscious. "I'm sorry, but I don't have a name to tell you."

The sound of an intercoms caught our attention as a man's voice can be heard. "Guys! Shogun Orochi presents! An impromptu special event starting now!"

I looked to see a big man and not too far away was Momonouske, chained up onto a post. What's worse, was that he looked beat up.

"Everyone! The brat that you see... Lo and behold! He's Kozuki Oden's son who was thought to be dead 20 years ago! Tonight, I'll show this beat mercy, and send him to meet his father!" The man, who I assumed was this Orochi guy, announced.

As the man kept babbling, it felt as if everything went silent as I glared up at the two. It's one thing to take a hostage, but to beat up a child and to display him like some kind of trophy was despicable... even worse to want them dead because of their heritage.

The lights went out as lights shined up where they were, everyone becoming more excited. My eyes widened as I saw none other than Kaido appear.

"Listen up, guys! Let me add something interesting to this boring brat's execution. It's the New Onigashima Project!" He shouted, gaining more shouts.


This is bad.

I kept running,

Kaido had announced his alliance with Big Mom, and what's worse... that they planned on finding the Ancient Weapons in order to find the One Piece. Two Emperors teaming up can not end well.

Luckily before Kaido attacked Momonouske, Kin'emon and the others managed to attack thanks to Luffy showing up after a huge explosion went off, distracting Kaido.

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