1955 Sumner Mississippi

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September of 1955, the murderers Roy Bryant and Jw (John William) Milam attended court everyday. Their wives sat and watched as their husbands were smoking cigars, laughing, and talking about the murder and kidnapping of Emmett Till.

It was like the town just automatically praised these two men for this horrible crime. You could tell that they didn't show remorse, emotion, or sympathy. They didn't hesitate to interview 'LOOK' magazine, the two men were paid to admit they killed Emmett Till. The way the two men felt proud and honored they felt like hero's  of Mississippi. It was a new chapter to a nightmare waiting to happen, but step by step.

Carolyn and Juanita sat by their husbands playing with their sons and not knowing the damages Carolyn Bryant made to have the trial where it is now.

When you look at Juanita Milam, she was not so likely friendly with Carolyn as being her sister In law, Juanita Milam was described as a sad faced woman, and not wanting to be in a courtroom. It caused many problems that mostly had an occur with Carolyn Bryant . The wife of Roy Bryant. You can see the Shame Juanita Milam felt when Carolyn constantly changed her stories to making it a sexual graphic story of a 14 year old touching and making lewd acts upon a young woman with devil eyes.

When I did rare research on Juanita Milam she was never talked about much. As much as Carolyn and the brothers were. Being in a small town of racism, hate, and a cruel being.
Juanita Milam told FBI that she was never there during the incident . She was 'I thought I was in Greenville, babysittin.'
She claims she was never there, after Juanita told her side of the story, she was in the Bryant's apartment home babysitting her children and the Bryant's children.
It has been taboo and it has been said that Carolyn Bryant claims Juanita was there, but it's been told Thompson Milam was never there, and Carolyn was there alone. If Mrs JW Milam Wasn't there, who was?

The widow of a murderer; the trial of Emmett Till Where stories live. Discover now