The aftermath of the Till Murderers

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Having the name Emmett Till has put something upon me , to have hope to write this journalism on Till.
His story needs to be told and heard. All over the media, newspapers, etc.
Emmett Till's father Louis Till, died of lynching , Louis Till was executed July 2, 1945,
The backstory of Louis Till was
It's been reported that he raped a woman in Italy after it being reported.
They lynched  him,
Louis Till was severing in the army, Till was being accused of two counts of rape and murder.
Mississippi compared Emmett Till and his father together and quoted in the newspaper;
"Like father, like son"

As it's been said in the Emmett Till book;
" Emmett Till;  the murder that shocked the world and propelled the civil rights movement"
It stated that Mamie Till and Louis Till were very domestic with each other, and Emmett rarely knew his father and spent time with him.
The book also gives good examples of how it all began with Emmett Till's murder.
When Louis Till appeared in a "confidential" magazine, the magazine said that Till got lynched in Italy for being accused of raping a woman .
Emmett Till rarely even knew who his father Louis was, but the ring that Emmett Till had on his finger was a gift from his father, Emmett Till was only identified by the ring on his finger , his face was almost unrecognizable until that ring on his finger gave it good evidence to identify him, after his body was found his mother found out days later about Emmett "going missing" but then his body got shipped back to Chicago in a box and it was in fact Emmett Till in that box. Mamie Till wanted an open casket insisted and demanded that they open it to let the world see all of the damages they've done . Carolyn Bryant on the other hand, still let off free and never had been held accountable.

The widow of a murderer; the trial of Emmett Till Where stories live. Discover now