The widow of JW Milam

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The white American store clerk and widow of WW ll veteran JW Milam told FBI that Carolyn Bryant seemed to be lying about how she described the incident.
How did a 14 year old suddenly became a grown man described by Bryant ?

When Carolyn Bryant told reporters that she lied about the whole thing, people have known Carolyn Bryant was a liar.

For nearly 67 years Emmett Till's mother Mamie Till Mobley has been trying to seek justice but passed away in 2003, right before they were  about to reopen the Till case in 2004. The widow of JW Milam; Juanita Milam told FBI that nothing the things that Carolyn said were true . That the case seemed off and her stories weren't adding up, Juanita Milam died in 2014.

What I knew about Juanita Milam was very fabric and taboo. Juanita Milam is a silent non happy woman about being in a courtroom, for instance, her facial expressions would be believed to be a sad unhappy face, in the courtroom. As Mrs JW Milam was afraid to to answer questions that were being asked, she felt unhappy and felt like she was never gonna see her husband again.
               JW Milam was a very horrible human being, he may have not been a bully, but he brutally beaten and tortured a child.
Those two men hurt him, disfigured his face, and had done more awful things to Emmett Till nobody can describe .

The story of a horrible era, horrible humans, it bewitched that Emmett Till had feelings. But he never was seen as a human with feelings . He was scared and hopeless that night JW Milam and Roy Bryant kidnapped him. But Till had a few words to Mr JW Milam it didn't stop there .

The widow of a murderer; the trial of Emmett Till Where stories live. Discover now