Chapter 3- Nothing Lasts Forever

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--Dahlia POV--

"I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late," I sang the familiar anthem that I often found myself having to chant as I rushed to shove all my school appliances into my backpack, Nino coming to help me as he shoved my notebook in while Oliver spread some chocolate on my toast.

"I should have woken up earlier, why didn't you wake me?" I complained, taking a bite of my toast as I jumped into my shoes, struggling to get the back of my feet into the annoying yet beautiful pair of trainers that Nino bought me a few weeks ago.

"You were sleeping so soundly, I couldn't dare," I paused, mouth munching on the bread in my mouth as I turned to look at Nino who sheepishly grinned at me, scratching the back of his brown hair as I sighed.

"You've been using that same excuse for years, I would have thought you would at least change it a little bit by now," I spoke as I leaned up to kiss his cheek before going to do the same to Oliver who took the opportunity to steal a bite of my toast, nothing new.

"Okay, I'm going now. Bye," I waved as I ran out the house.

"Wait, you forgot your skateboard!" I came to a skidding halt when I heard Nino's voice, turning to take the said board out of his hand as he chuckled, amused, stealing another kiss from my cheek as I gratefully grinned.

"What would I do without you?" I sighed.

They followed me up to the front door, standing there as they always did as I jumped onto my skateboard, taking the chance to wave at them once more as they waved back, watching me until I had left their line of sight.

While I was spending more time training at the rink instead of studying at school, I used my spare time to study to catch up to my other classmates so that I could graduate with them even though I wasn't going to school every single day.

Days were passing by in what felt like the blink of an eye as seasons changed along with the months, and I was moving on with my life despite the heavy burdens that weighed down on my heart, because what else could I do?

Marcos was still dating that girl, Francesca, I think her name was, and while I knew that I was holding him back from moving forward with his life, it was easier said than done to simply walk out of someone's life.

But while I was mentally preparing myself for a bleak life without Marcos, he had already begun in moving on without me. We went from calling every day to once a week, to once every two weeks, and now, if I recall correctly, it's been a few weeks since we last spoke.

I wonder if he remembered.

But I tried to understand, he was a university student with a busy schedule, I should be grateful for the time he was willing to give me. 

"Hey, Dahlia, late as always I see," One of the teachers laughed as I rushed into the school building, sparing him a moment with an apology before quickly rushing to my first class.

"Safe," I jumped into the room just in time as the last bell rang, signalling that class had started.

"Barely," The teacher sang, jokingly hitting the top of my head with her book as I hissed, rubbing the specific place as the rest of the class laughed. You see, I was famous for being the almost late student because I've never actually been late, but barely on time. Each, and every single time.

"How's your training going, Dahlia?" One of my classmates asked as I went to sit down.

"Good, thanks for asking. You know, if I carry on making the progress I currently am, then coach said I'll be able to partake in a competition earlier than originally thought. Isn't that amazing?" I gleamed, sitting down as she laughed, nodding her head.

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