Chapter 38- Setting Things Right

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--Dahlia POV--

Holding his hand in mine, I looked up at the rundown apartment complex, gulping back the nerves that seemed to go all the way down to my feet which prevented me from taking another step forward.

"You sure about this? We can push back a few more days, or even weeks or years if you want?" He asked, tightening his hold on my hand as I shook my head.

"Then it'll always be on my mind. I've already experienced the worst, all that's left to do now is to close the open wound. Today is the perfect day to do that."

"And... You're sure it's me that you want with you right now? Not your dads'?" I blinked, turning to look at him, an instant glare marring my face as he raised a curious brow.

"What?" He had the nerve to innocently ask.

"My dads' gave you my hand in marriage; They literally handed me over to you. Did you forget that you're my husband or something? If it's not you with me in this time of need, then I don't want anyone. You're supposed to be my partner in life, you're supposed to-"

"-Alright, alright. I'm sorry for asking such a silly question," Grabbing my cheeks, he leaned down to steal a quick kiss while I continued to glare at him, offended.

"You better be." My pregnant hormones were really starting to show, but this man truly handled them like a saint, I couldn't have asked for a better husband.

"I am truly, from the bottom of my heart, so sorry," He laughed, stealing another kiss.

"It's too late to get cold feet, you're already my husband. See?" I flashed the ring on my finger at him as he nodded his head. "Not only that, you're also the father of this child. Don't run away," Poking his chest, my glare slipped away as he nodded, kissing the top of my head.

"Let's go," And so, holding hands the whole way, I double checked the address on the email he forwarded to me yesterday, walking up the great many flights of steps until we got to the right floor where I, once again, checked that it was the right address. You could never be too safe.

Raising his fist, Marcos knocked on the door, and after a few moments of silence, someone was heard finally shuffling around inside until the lock was heard being undone, and the door flew open, revealing an unfamiliar face.

"Who the hell are you guys?" He asked.

I didn't need anyone to tell me who he was; Even though I'd never seen this man in my life, I somehow knew exactly who he was. 

He smelled like cigarettes, and spoke in a drunken haze, his clothes were worn inside out as he itched his greasy hair; With an unshaven face, he stood at a hunched height of a around 5 ft 8, I'd have to guess as he looked down at me.

"Are you Tommaso Accardi?" I guessed.

"Who's asking?" He narrowed his eyes, the same colour as mine, into a judging look.

"My name is Dahlia Tar-" I cut myself off, realising that I almost slipped up. From the corner of my eye, I noticed the little grin that instantly made its way onto my husband's face at the realisation of my mistake, he was loving it.

"Sorry. My name is Dahlia Romano... I'm your biological daughter." Whatever he may have been expecting to hear, that was not it.

"What?" He mumbled.

"My name is Dahlia Romano, and I'm your-"

"-Who is it, Tom?" The familiar voice of my mother cut me off as she pulled the door open even further, losing her words when she caught my face.

"You!? What the hell are you-"

"You're in debt, right? As your daughter, I'm here to help you with that." I quickly changed the subject, turning to look at the man as his face lit up.

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