Chapter 18- Mother of Mine

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--Dahlia POV--

"Hello," I greeted.

"Hi," She awkwardly replied.

And more awkward silence followed as we continued to sit there while I stared at her oddly as she sipped on the cup of tea that I had poured for her. Behind her, I could distinctly see Marcos peeking through the door as he watched over me, and I glared at him from my current place as he rolled his eyes before turning away.

I had agreed to meeting my mother, and while it took everyone by surprise, they readily agreed, and we're currently situated in one of the smaller tearooms in the house while my dads' and Marcos were in the room next door, or at least they were supposed to be. I can see their curious figures walking back and forth at the entrance of this room.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm recovering from a cold, but other than that, I'm great. Thank you for asking, and what about you?" I sipped on my own warm beverage as I spoke.

"I've... been better..." She unsurely spoke, looking as though the weight of the world were on her shoulders, but I didn't pry, it wasn't my place to do so.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"No, it's not your fault... Life isn't easy for everyone, me more than others," She sighed. I held back the confusion that threatened to creep onto my face but made sure to remain silent throughout this awkward conversation.

"What did you say your name was?" I eventually asked, changing the bleak topic at hand, and acting as though Jeff didn't already tell me.

"Oh, Sophia Accardi, sorry for not introducing myself earlier," She bowed her head down in apology as I shook my head.

"There's no need for an apology, but if it's alright with me asking... What are you doing here?" A light blush stained her face as she looked at me. "I don't mean to be rude, but if we are to be honest, you're a stranger to me. So, why are you only now making an appearance in my life?"

I felt nothing for this woman, if not for the fact that she looked like an older version of me then I never would have believed her to be my biological mother. If we were to pass each other on the streets, she's not someone I would pause to look at, and just like that, I felt nothing for her.

She's the one that abandoned me, and no matter what reason she had, it didn't mean I should pine after her love, and I didn't.

"I'm sorry... I know I have no right to come uninvited into your life after I was the one that abandoned you," At least she's self-aware. 

"But I couldn't help but be curious, not a single day goes by where I don't think of you, so it was like fate. When I was at the market a few weeks ago, and then I saw a poster of you, I thought I was dreaming," I leaned back on my chair, looking at her with an odd feeling in my chest.

I grew up without having any proper female figures in my life, but I never once thought I needed one because my dads' were more than enough for me, but that didn't mean I never once wondered what my biological parents were like, it was mere curiosity, and I hoped that at the very least, they were living a good life because thanks to them, I was too.

"I know I didn't raise you, but I am the woman that went through 10 hours of labour to give birth to you, so I couldn't help but recognise you, and I knew that I had to see you to at least tell you that I am happy to see the woman you've grown into. You're a beautiful woman, Dahlia, and I hope your modelling career goes well,"

I paused in taking a sip of my tea as my eyes crept up to look at her. Modelling career?

Gently placing the cup back onto its saucer, I looked at her as I spoke.

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