Chapter 14- Thinking of You

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--Dahlia POV--

Every second of every day, no matter how many days passed; He was always somehow in my head. I would see him in everything, hear his voice in my dreams, and that one night together was a memory that both haunted me and kept me sane.

But somehow, I was able to keep living because I promised myself that I would get over him. So that when I next see him, whenever that will be, I'll see the person he's become rather than the person he used to be.

Time did heal, but it did the job very slowly. So slowly that I didn't even notice how far I had come until I looked back to see where I used to be.

"Oh my gosh, you look beautiful," 

I laughed at my dad's exaggerated reaction when he caught sight of me standing in front of the mirror just as the stylist finished clicking my choker into place. I wasn't going to say anything against his words, because yes, I did feel quite beautiful today.

"Doesn't she just," The stylist further complimented.

"Thank you for your hard work," I spoke.

"It wasn't hard at all, you're a natural beauty so there wasn't much to do. I just highlighted the striking features that make you unique, but you did the rest," He was too nice, if only I could see myself in the same light that he did.

"Well, I'll be off now," After bidding him farewell, I got into the waiting car to see Daniel already waiting for me as he played candy crush on his phone, dressed in a neat black tuxedo.

"Don't you look dashing," I complimented as he rolled his eyes.

"This is one of the few times you'll see me dressed so nicely, so enjoy it while it lasts," He gestured to himself as we continued to chat throughout the rest of the ride towards the building where I was already dreading to see myself in pictures.

If I didn't need a sponsor then I wouldn't have let myself become a model, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun. While it had been awkward at first, the staff were brilliant at their job, and before I knew it, I was laughing away, and jokingly posing which they loved, apparently.

Feeling an itchiness in my nose, I covered my nose with my tissue as I released as quiet of a sneeze as I could, followed by two more, and just before my nose could start watering, I blew into the tissue. Pushing my head back against the seat, I closed my eyes for a few moments, only realising now how tired I had been.

"Are you okay? I sense a cold coming," Daniel asked.

"Don't be silly, you know I don't catch colds," I scoffed as he chuckled, nodding his head in agreement. The last time I caught a cold was in high school, but since I'm always working on the ice, I guess I grew sort of immune.

"We've arrived," The driver spoke as Daniel jumped out of the car, and ran around the front to open the door for me like the gentleman he was. Grabbing his hand, I held onto the skirt of my dress as I stepped out of the vehicle, 

And as soon as I was out of the car, my eyes were already watering from all the bright flashing lights of people's cameras. Holding onto Daniel's arm, I waved at the reporters with a smile plastered on my face as I walked passed them, releasing a sigh of relief once we successfully entered the building.

"It's Dahlia Tarantino,"

And then I was bombarded with more people rushing towards me as I walked through them all, shaking their hands with the same smile refusing to leave my lips, greeting them and answering any questions they had given me.

"You look lovely today," One lady complimented.

"Thank you, and so do you," I honestly replied, shaking her hand.

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