Chapter 21- The Girl on Ice

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--Marcos POV--

I've always known she was good at figure skating. 

That's the thing about Dahlia; If there's something she likes then she tries her best to be good at it, and there's nothing she loves more than figure skating. So, I've never had to see her skating to know that she'll be good at it, but even then, when I saw her skating at some of her training sessions, I was hit with how amazing of an athlete she is.

But those moments are nothing compared to this.

I've seen her training in person, but as for real matches, I've only ever seen pictures online, and read articles about how talented she was. But now that I'm here, sat with the hundreds of other people in the audience, I saw just how brilliant she is.

The number one figure skater in the world; and she's the woman I love.

Her friend, or as she called him, her brother, Isaac, was sat next to me, screaming with the audience, possibly louder than any of them after seeing the jump she pulled off. I didn't know much about ice skating, but even I could tell that whatever jump that was, it wasn't a normal one.

"That's the Quadruple Axel! Dahlia Tarantino has just successfully pulled off the famed quadruple axel! The first person to ever land that jump in history!" Everyone was losing their minds, but she has never looked so at peace before.

She looked as though she belonged on the ice, and maybe she did. I wonder... Has she ever looked so happy when with me? Can I ever make her as happy as ice skating does?

"That's my sister!" Isaac screamed, pointing at her as everyone around us turned to look at him weirdly, and following Dahlia's mothers' actions, I pretended that I didn't know him.

"Hey, is the quadruple axel really that famous of a jump?" I curiously asked Isaac. I didn't know much about figure skating, but I enjoyed watching her do it, it was such a beautiful sport, and it's not just her that made it beautiful, but all the athletes that I've watched today were all talented, even when they fell, the way they got up and continued dancing as if it didn't happen made them look that much more graceful.

"Well, duh! Is that even a question!?"

"Geez, sorry I don't know much about a sport that I've never paid any attention to before," I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, it's a famous jump, and not just because no one else has ever succeeded in pulling it off; While that does contribute to it, the jump itself is basically defying the laws of physics." He quickly regained his composure, calming down as he explained to me.

"Really?" I asked, turning to look back at the rink where she was dancing.

"The Axel is the only jump that has a forward take off, that itself makes it so much more difficult to land. It's challenging and requires a lot of momentum as well as speed compared to other quad jumps, and it's also possibly dangerous for the body." I hummed, not knowing what else to do with the information.

"It's categorized as an edge jump since it requires you to take off from the outside edge of one of your skates, then you need to do a 4.5 mid-air rotation, and then land on the edge of your other skate. It's basically impossible, but somehow, we know the one girl that was able to pull it off."

A calm silence overcame us as we continued to watch her enthral the whole audience with the grace of her performance, even the announcers were losing their words.

"Being able to pull off such a high-level jump near the end of her sequence is shocking, and even after just making history, she's continuing with her dance with no sign of fatigue," They said.

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