Chapter 10- To be Forgotten

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--Marcos POV--

When I first saw her today, the last thing I would have expected was to see myself trying to get in bed with her. Especially since this is Dahlia we're talking about, she was just a childhood friend, it wasn't supposed to be anything more than that.

Yet here we are.

While she remained the same except for a few differences, it wasn't anything big enough to deem her unrecognisable. And yet I wonder what it was that changed? Why have I gone from treating her like a friend to a lover?

Up until today, I have never once seen Dahlia as anything more than a friend. She was just a memory on the verge of being forgotten, but not anymore. After today, she will be anything but a forgotten memory.

"Isn't Tom waiting for you?" She asked as I followed her into the lift, standing back against the railing as I watched her scan a card before pressing one of the higher numbers and coming to stand beside me.

"You don't need to worry about him," I replied, staring at her as she looked up at the floor numbers changing, getting larger with each floor we passed until it chimed with her floor; floor twenty-two, and as if the lift had been on fire, she jumped out before the doors had even properly opened.

"Dahlia," I called only to be ignored by the wildfire as I casually strolled behind her as she went to scan her key card on the door, and pushed it open, propping it open with her body as she looked at me.

"I'm home," She quietly said.

I smiled, nodding at her. Getting the hint that she didn't want me near, I held myself back from stepping forward.

"Then, goodbye." I finally said.

Maybe it was a good thing that she was keeping me at arm's length, I myself knew that I was getting off too easily if she just let me have my way with her. 

I've never had an unrequited love, so I don't know what it's like, but at the very least, I feel guilty towards her. The man she used to love is finally showing interest towards her, but she's just gotten over him.

And I hated it, if she were the one for me then why did it take me so long to see that? Why did I have to put her through what I have, asking her for relationship advice, bragging about my girlfriend to her, and she was there all alone, supporting me despite her broken heart.

I didn't deserve her.

So, while I had been indifferent to her all this time, it's finally her turn to be indifferent to me. It was my turn to become a forgotten memory for her.

"Marcos," She called as I came to a pause, turning to look at her.

"If Tom doesn't mind, would you like to come in for a bit?" I blinked, needing to take a moment to wonder if I was hearing things. And just after that mental lecture I gave myself.

"Is that a good idea?" I found myself asking.

"You were always the smarter one, so how am I supposed to know?" She joked with a mischievous glint in her eyes as I scoffed, going to stand in front of her as she looked up at me.

" I don't think I can trust myself to be alone with you," I honestly said as her face lit up with a blush, and she had to look away for a second before turning back to meet my eyes.

"Maybe I don't want you to," With each second that passed by, the racing of my heart began to grow faster as I clung to each and every word that slipped passed her lips, she was driving me to the bone right now.

"Why the sudden change of mind? A minute ago, you were calling me a rotten vegetable," I curiously asked as she released a short and quiet laugh, gleaming up at me with those wondrous shade of hazel eyes that couldn't stay still.

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