Chapter 20- Making History

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--Dahlia POV--

"Next up is Dahlia Tarantino from Italy... It's clear that she's got quite the fanbase, the crowd is going crazy! Ever since winning the Grand Prix last year as well as the Olympics prior to that, Dahlia's been on a winning streak for her country, and today is sure to be another bonus..."

I stood at the centre of the rink, refusing to acknowledge the hundreds, possibly thousands, of eyes that were situated on me, looking down at where the blades of my skates reflected off the ice, and went over all my moves for today's sequence to prepare myself.

And as if on instinct, my body began to move automatically once the music started. It was all embedded in my brain, the emotion, the step sequence, the jumps. I was calm and composed, the sheer comparison of my nervous jittering a moment ago was almost laughable.

I knew what I was doing, there was nothing to be afraid of. In fact, I don't think I've ever been so calm in a match, that very fact somehow helped to calm me down even more.

My first jump; The triple salchow. Spinning my legs out, I felt myself effortlessly jump into the air, my body spinning as the wind whipped against my face before I landed perfectly back onto the ice and continued to move onto the next move. That was perfect, I could faintly hear the announcer complimenting the grace of the jump at the back of my head, but not wasting any time on added thoughts, I continued to dance with a clear mind.

It was cold, the prickling icy air bit my skin as I glided over the ice, but it was relaxing, in fact, it excited me; I almost felt like I could do anything in this state of mind.

Pushing my leg out again, I hoisted myself into the air, spinning before the sharp sound of my blade hitting the ice was heard, signalling that I landed perfectly once more. And like this, I felt myself effortlessly finishing off my routine.

But as I danced, getting ready to finish off my step sequence, a pair of curious grey eyes caught mine in the distance. It was for a short moment, so short that it might not have even happened, but I believed it did. Because that gaze was enough to give me the last burst of confidence that I needed to win this competition.

I think, right now, I can do it.

What was it again? The quadruple axel?

I've been practicing that jump for over a year, but I've never once been able to land it. I got the rotations in, and in some instances, I even jumped higher than expected, and every time I thought I could land it, I found myself sitting on the ice instead of gliding.

But this time, somehow, it's different. 

Maybe because it's a real competition and not training? Maybe the adrenaline is giving me a big head? Or maybe... it's because the people I wanted to show off to were watching me as if I was the only person alive right now?

Yes, if I'm ever going to land this jump, I have a strong feeling that today is the day. Why? I don't know, I just loved figure skating so much that I didn't want to lose, not to my rivals, and not to the sport itself, I refuse.

It's not about making my country proud anymore, I don't think it ever was, it's about satisfying my own greed of wanting to be the best at something I loved. I'm usually a pessimist, but when it comes to figure skating, you'll never find anyone as optimistic as me.

Feeling the nudging of the wind, my lips curved up into a small, subtle smile as I followed its guidance, and without another word, my heart beating in my throat; I jumped.

It felt like flying.

For a fleeting moment, the world turned white, not a single thought rested in my mind, and a moment of serenity washed over me as if the world were telling me that I had done it.

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