Chapter 4

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Peters POV

Around Sunday night we all departed from Ned's house and went home "May I'm home" I said when I walked through the door "hey Pete" May was using the fire extinguisher on some pasta she was trying to make "May!" I yelled dripping my bag and helping her out.

She laughed and sighed "thank you Peter wouldn't know what I would do without you" she caressed my cheek and smiled, I smiled and laughed before dumping out the water in the sink and pasta in the garbage. "How about Chinese?" May asked "sure"

She called in the food and sat down to continue watching family Feud. "So Peter, how's Y/N doing?" May asked me. "She's doing better I guess she seems happier and her powers seem more in control" my cheeks turned red a little bit. (Aunt May knows about me being spider man and about Y/N's powers)

"That's good! Have you guys kissed yet?" She asked with a smile "May!" I giggled "we aren't dating! We're just friends" I playfully rolled my eyes "and plus me and Mj sorta have a thing I think she really likes me" I said while sitting next to May. "Oooooh" May said while moving her shoulder into me. We laughed and continued watch family feud.

YN's pov

I got 'home' around 5 pm and when I walked into the door I heard laughing. Mr seer had his friends over great. His friends weren't very good people, one of them raped me when I was 10 bus used his money to get out of the situation.

"Look who decided to finally come back" mr seer said before slapping me across the face. "Long time no see Y/N" mr clef said. My face went pale and I backed up the stairs, he ran up after me and grabbed my foot. I fell hitting my chin at the top of the stairs and biting my lip making it bleed "no! Let me go!" I kept on yelling and yelling but he was just so strong.

Beca must've heard me cause she came running to the stairs "let her go!" She yelled while kicking mr clef in the hand and making him let go. Rebecca grabbed me and ran to our room and closed the door. "Get out here you bitch!" Mr clef yelled.

We sat down in the corner holding eachother and crying, hoping someone would save us. Mr clef broke down the door and grabbed me, Bec tried to grab me back but she got pushed and hit her head making her unconscious. "Please" I cried out "stop" I tried to escape but nothing would work.

Mr clef dragged me down stairs and into the basement he pinned me down and took off my clothes. All mr clef reminded me of all these years were the red room. I may have not been there long but a year was long enough to get traumatized and tested on for the mutant gene. Thank God for the people who killed Dreykov and red room, they saved me from that horrible place and from Dreykov.

Natasha's POV

We had just gotten dinner from that Italian restaurant down the road and were coming back to the tower. My phone was blowing up with texts from that group chat Clint started.
That girl I felt so bad for her, she got tested on from HYDRA and Clint told me her dad worked for SHIELD. Meaning if she were kidnapped and found on the side of the street that she was one of the 54 unsolved cases.

Does anyone know how to help a wound made from fire.
More specificity a second degree burn

You ok kid?

Uh... ya I'm asking for a uh... friend! Yea a friend got burnt while cooking
I just figured since you guys are like secret spies you could help

We aren't spies -_-
Well they aren't but me and SRL used to be


And I wouldn't know anything about burns but I know 2 doctors who could help lemme just summon them real quick.

Clint added Stephen and Bruce

Whatcha need help with Clint

It's not me it's our lil friend she has a burn and needs help with it

Yikes... what degree or do you not know

My friend got burnt totally not me!
And I'm 79% positive it's a second degree burn.

I can try to help but I was a neurosurgeon so I'm mainly good with brains-

No shit Sherlock


I mean he ain't wrong

What's your name


Ok Y/N this may hurt like... a lot but you have to remove any access skin from around it
If not it could get infected and we don't want that

Please be careful
Or go to a hospital and have a doctor do It

I'll try removing the skin
I can't go to a hospital I'm stuck

Sweetie where are you stuck?

Uh... stuck?
Who mentioned stuck?
Is stuck even a word?


You just said you were stuck-

No I didn't-

Your hiding something

There's a reason it's hidden
I'm removing the skin

Good, just be really careful please

Mr spy
Where are you stuck?

This hurts like hell
And I'm not exactly stuck, more trapped
Don't worry it's nothing
What do I do next sir/ma'am/mx

It's sir, same with the other doctor
Do you have a gauze or anything like that around you?

Uhhh lemme look
I have toilet paper and a ripped shirt

The shirt will work

Ya, wrap it around the wound tightly but not to tight, and try to get burn cream and an actually gauze please Y/N

And please try to go to the doctors or hospital

You don't get it I can't go to the hospital

Mr spy
Why not?

I'm not aloud to...
Bc he'll go to jail
Thank you for the help sirs and doctors but I have to go good night :)

Y/N? Who will go to jail?
Are you in danger?

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