Chapter 7

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"Ay L/N" Flash yelled while walking up to me at my locker and getting a little to close. "Your gonna do the internship test for me and write my name" "why should I do that" I said with sass. He walked up so our noses were nearly touching and he was mad.

"Because I said so and I deserve the internship more than you orphans" I could smell his horrible breath that he hasn't brushed in God knows how long. "Fine, but in one condition" I said while pushing him (little info about me, I have an attitude, an ego, and Become a smartass around people I don't like)

"And what's that carrot" he said while rolling his eyes "no beating up Peter for the next 2 months" he scoffed "fine. But only if I get accepted" "fine" he pushed me and walked away.

Well all I have to do now is pass that internship test for Flash and Peter doesn't get thrown around anymore, but now I have to deal with more beatings. Peter didn't deserve to get beat up like that, he has a decent life, good aunt, good home life, good friends, and he's a starter superhero!

But on the other hand I have a horrible life, I get abused, molested, bullied, I practically killed my mother, and I'm an orphan. I don't even deserve to be alive, the cuts even tell me to to kill my self.

After school me, Beca, and Jack go to the mall to just look around and get some boba tea cause we couldn't really afford anything else there.

After when we were sitting on the ground outside of a thrift shop in queens, we were passing around the vape and just laughing our heads off and complaining about how shitty our lives were "I get death threats from the football players because I play lacrosse" Jack laughed while saying it. "I get beat up by Eli and Josh every week" Bec said while blowing air out

"I get beat up and bullied by Flash everyday" I cried and laughed out, we just laughed for the longest time till it was 7 pm. I didn't have to go to work today cause Delmars had a fire yesterday and was shut down for the month with no pay so I was screwed.

We walked back to the orphanage high and walked up stairs, Mr seer was in his room sleeping most likely cause he wasn't down stairs. We heard music blasting from his room, he usually did that when he had a girl over to have 'fun' with. Iykyk

The next day at school I took the internship test for Flash and put his name at top, trying my best to not use my hand writing even though it was quite obvious I was the one who wrote it. The questions weren't that hard at first, then on the third page there were some math problems from dr. Banners books on radioactive gamma radiation and all of that.

I had solved them in the vents with a flashlight when I was around 7,8, and 9. They weren't as hard as they used to be so I filled those out then solved all the other problems. At the bottom of the last page there was a part where it said 'impress Mr stark, Dr. Banner and Mrs Potts'

I drew a new way to make the repulsers stronger and I wrote a formula to control hulk outbreaks (Idk I couldn't think of anything else)

I turned the paper into Mr. Harrington after I was done and walked out of the room, 11 other students were still taking the test I just hoped he didn't notice I put Flash's name on the sheet.

I walked into the bathroom hyperventilating and walked into a bathroom stall, locked the door, and just cried on the toilet seat. That internship would've looked amazing on my college résumé, and it would've really impressed some people and I could've proved them wrong. But no, Flash is now going to get my dream and he doesn't even deserve it!

Why do I do everything for everyone else? Why can't I just focus on my self for one freaking minute?! I grabbed the razor blade out of my pocket with blurry vision from all the tears, rolled down my pants a little and cut
For killing my mom
For making everyone pity me
For being an attention seeker
I moved to the other thigh
For caring too much
For being a loser orphan
I went to my right wrist
For giving away your dream
For not being enough
For not killing my self already.

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