Chapter 36

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3 weeks later

I was in 5th period taking a big test that was really hard, I studied my ass of with Mj, Ned and Peter. No one in MidTown has ever gotten a perfect score on this test, the highest was an 91%

I was really worried that if I got below a 95 I wouldn't be alive to see someone get a perfect score.

After the test was finished Mj had to calm me down, I've became better in control of my powers. Mr Barton and Nat have been helping me with them.

Clint and Nat are like my parents now. I still haven't seen what is on the flash drive yet, I've been debating asking Mr stark about it.

After school I went to the internship, me and Dr banner worked on a formula for a new trick arrow. We found a smoke trick arrow which was pretty neat. "Now... we just test it" Dr banner said.

I thought for a moment "oh! I have the perfect idea!" He grabbed the arrow "if I were you I'd umm... stay out of the common room" I smiled and shut the door.

I texted Pietro, Wanda and Peter to come to the vents. "Ok so Me and Dr banner created this new smoke bomb arrow, we finna test it prank style" Pietro cheered.

"Ok so I'm going to shoot the arrow at the wall, it shouldn't be hard cause it's a big wall. We finna hide paint guns under the coaches, Wanda is going to convince Vision to call an emergency meeting. Then we grab the paint guns and shoot everyone." Wanda smirked.

"Wait but how are we going to see through the thick smoke?" Peter questioned "oh I almost forgot, they're still in testing but we have anti-SB glasses, we will have these on. Like I said a testing prank" I handed them out. "When the smoke spreads out that's when we grab the guns" I said before crawling out.

We went to the Gym and grabbed water guns, but used paint instead. I grabbed a bow that looked my size and grabbed the arrow "we only have one shot, hopefully this works" I said before activating it.

We rushed to the common room, like planned only Vision was there. Wanda got to convincing her boyfriend while we planted the gun "Vis if you do it, you don't have to be involved in the prank" Wanda begged. "Fine dear, I'll help you with this test prank but I will be in our room"

He called the emergency meeting and we got into position. Pietro hacked the doors to automatically lock again.

The avengers came running worried, except for Bruce and Vision. "What happened!" Pietro and Wanda were playing along. I shot the arrow at a wall, We put on our glasses.

"Hey! It's a trap!" Somebody yelled. We grabbed our guns and surprisingly the glasses worked quite well. "Now!" I shouted. We started squatting and we heard the avengers yelling and cussing.

After the smoke started to clear a little we stopped. Us four were laughing so hard, the avengers looked like a mad painting. "Pietro!" Steve yelled "wasn't my idea!" He said through laughs and put his hands up in defense.

I took off my glasses "it was my idea" I could barely speak through laughs. "So is that why Bruce isn't here" Mr stark asked while rubbing Paint on Clint. Clint slapped him and splattered paint.

I took a picture of them fighting and died laughing. Pietro and Peter were already on the floor while Wanda was almost. "You guys are cleaning this up!" Steve didn't sound happy. Bruce walked out of the elevator with Vision "did... the arrow work" Dr banner asked with a smile "yep! Same with the glasses!" I cheered with laughs and tears in my eyes.

"Bruce! You encouraged this!" Steve pointed at him "she only told me... to stay out of the common room... didn't know she was prank testing" he put his hands up in defense.

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