Chapter 34

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Tomorrow was New Year's Eve and I haven't gone back to work yet, I was waiting till next year. I was still talking to Peter and all, I wasn't mad at him after all.

"Y/N! Get down here" Mr seer yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs "yes sir?" "Where the hell are your paychecks!" He was mad.

"Sir, I... I don't go back to work till January 3rd" I backed up a little making sure he wouldn't hit me. "What about the cafe huh? At least give me half of that money if you aren't going to your freaking job!" He pushed me aside and grabbed a beer.

"Yes sir" i ran upstairs and grabbed my wallet. I had 3 $10's, 2 $20's and 9 $1's. I sighed and grabbed one twenty and one ten. "Here sir" I handed it to him "30 bucks?! What are you broke!" He slapped me.

My cheek was bleeding again, "I am sir, that's half" I wiped the blood away, he scoffed and dismissed me.

Later that day I snuck out and went to a warehouse where I used my powers. It's where Mj, Ned, and Peter would help me control my powers. It's also where Peter trained to become spider-man.

I took a cardboard box and put it on the ground, I tried to make an electrical ball in my hand, but of course it didn't work. I tried to focus, I tried to use my emotions to use my powers.

I thought of the avengers, my work, Mr seer, my parents, HYDRA. I was able to make a small ball of energy, I made it bigger and bigger. When I had it in control I shot it at the box.

The box exploded and caught in fire. "Shit" I mumbled before stepping on the fire with my shoes and making it go out.

I sighed and just practiced on forming electricity in my hands.

I discovered I can control them best with my emotions, it's more powerful when I'm angry, I'm less in control when I'm panicky, when I get scared or exited it's more of a shock than electricity. And when I'm happy, ya I haven't figured that one out yet.

When the sun started going down I put my winter coat back on and walked back to the orphanage.

January 3rd 2057

We were still on winter break till tomorrow so I didn't have school but I did have to go to the internship.

I sighed and met up with Peter while we walked there together. "Hey Mrs L/N and Mr Parker" Mrs Jen said. We smiled and waved.

"Hey kids" Mr stark said to us while we got off the elevator "hey Mr stark" we both said. Mrs Potts called me to office when Mr stark tried to talk to me about what happened on the 26th.

"Hey Mrs Potts" I said with a smile "hey sweetie, I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner" She said with a sad look "why didn't you tell me though, I mean- ya I know for safety but you could've given me a heads up before I spilt my whole life info there" I crossed my arms when I noticed my veins were a little blue but luckily I had a sweater and winter coat on.

She came over to me and went to hug me, I backed up and her shoulders went down in sadness. I've always liked Mrs Potts, it's hard to be mad at her when she reminds you so much of your mom. Nat reminded me of my mom somewhat as well, mostly because my mom was a redhead-

I uncrossed my arms and leaned into her, she put her arms around me. My eyes got watery and I felt that stinging sensation in my nose. She patted my back "it's ok" she hummed while I cried.

I really needed a hug and it felt so nice to finally get one. "It's going to be ok" she walked me over to a chair and sat me down. She sat in the other chair and rubbed my arm while I grabbed a tissue "why is my life so shitty" I laughed a little.

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