Chapter 10

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I woke up around 8 AM, luckily it was Sunday  so we had no school today. Thank God for that. I changed my clothes and used the spair tooth brush and hair brush in the bathroom connected to 2 guest rooms. I went to the elevator and asked where Mr. Barton was.

FRIDAY took me to the training room where Nat and Clint were training together, I watched from the door while chewing on my mint gum that was bussin. After they finished and went to get some water "hey Y/N" Clint said "Hey Mr. Barton" I said with a smile "stop being so formal you can just call me Clint" he slightly laughed. I smiled and laughed too

"Do you know how to fight Y/N" Nat asked "y-ya a little" "I wanna see what you got" she said while walking into the ring. "Be careful on her Nat" Clint said while watching. I stepped into the ring nervously.

"Ready" the assassin asked, I nodded my head. She went to punch me and I blocked it, she went to trip me and I wrapped my leg behind her knees to make her fall and regained my balance. Clint was laughing while Nat groaned. "I'm sorry did I hurt you I didn't mean too are you ok?" I asked starting to panic a little "nope I'm ok I've never been taken out that fast on easy mode" she stood us and smiled at me. I smiled a little.

She did a outride attack on me and I was able to block her and fight back, I twisted her arm behind her back and she got stuck. "Wow, thought you said you knew a little bit of fighting" Nat laughed "I do only know a little" I said with a giggle. "Next time I'm not going easy on you Y/N" Nat walked out the ring.

I walked out and Clint gave me a high five and laughed "just wait till I show the team that clip" I laughed as well and we went to the common room. "Want a pop tart Y/N" James asked me "uh... n-no thank you sir" he took one for him self, shrugged, then went to sit down "see we aren't the only ones who think Pop Tarts are nasty" Mr stark said while putting his hand on my shoulder, I flinched but he didn't notice thankfully.

"Actually Mr stark I love Pop tarts I'm just not... hungry" I said with an awkward laugh "oh great heavens another pop tart lover" he sighed and went to sit down, almost everyone laughed or smiled. "When was the last time you ate Y/N" Bucky asked while grabbing a high metabolism protein bar. "Uh..." I had to think for a minute "eat something" he said "i-I'm not hungry sir" I said to him a little scared he was finna get mad.

"At least drink something please" he said before sitting next to Nat on the couch. I grabbed some water and went to sit next to Clint. "You sure your not hungry kid you haven't eaten in nearly 18 hours" Clint said "yes sir" I took some sips of my water. He hummed and gave me a weird concerned look. "I'm not trying to be rude or anything but when can I go back home" I felt sick to the stomach calling that place 'home'.

"When ever you want Kid, I just know Bruce and Steve want to talk to you about... you know what happened last night" Mr stark said. I looked down ashamed "I-I'm sorry about last night I was g-going through something" "it's alright kid we all go stuff and have different coping skills" Clint said while looking at me. I smiled a bit, took a sip of my water then sat back and went to look at my texts.

4 losers

Y/N you ok?
Your location is off

Just making sure your ok we don't wanna lose you again lmao

Ya you ok Y/N?

Don't make me walk around all of NYC!

No need to Mj I'm ok lol
Sorry I'll turn my location back on it was off when I went to the park with Jack and Rebecca

Good your alive o I can kill you myself🔪

Not of I kill your first 🔪


You guys are concerning me
I can't go to two funerals in the same week

No need too, Ned will be going to 3 in a week :)

Dude if your dead, you die so don't be dead

Mind blown!

Wow! Ned your the most loser Genius I know

Wow why aren't you decathlon Captain


I always shared my location with them and they share theirs with me so we always know where each other were and we know we're all safe. But we all know it's just for me, they don't want HYDRA taking me again.

A few minutes later Dr. Banner came into the room "Y/N May I speak with you" I got up and walked over to him. We walked to the elevator and I got a lil scared I was in trouble but I was even more scared about Steve, he was probably finna give me a lecture.

We went to the Med bay and he said he needed to take some blood "w-why" I asked "just for your safety and to see (insert smart people talk)" I sat down scared and when I saw the needle I completely freaked out. "No!" I yelled.
"Y/N it's ok" Bruce laughed a little, my eyes were wide. He grabbed my arm and I jerked away "please don't make me call Bucky up here" I stood up and walked away in fear.

"FRIDAY call Bucky to Med bay" he sighed and walked towards me "it's ok it'll only hurt for a little" I backed away even more in fear and my eyes were getting watery with fear. Bucky arrived a minute later, I was standing near a wall terrified. Bucky laughed a little then went to grab me but o jerked away and gave him a look. He sighed and grabbed my arm and I jolted back in fear and trauma.

He sorta dragged me to the chair and sat me down, I kept trying to get back up but he was strong. Bruce grabbed the blue ribbon and tied it on my arm, I gulped and Bucky held my arm down. Bruce grabbed the needle and cleaned my Arm after finding a vein.

He took the tube and that and I started to hyperventilate, he took the needle to my arm and I started to wiggle free but Bucky had the strongest grip. "Stay still... or it'll hurt more" Bruce said while looking it me. I closed my eyes and grabbed onto the chair while Bruce took my blood. I stayed still the best I could.

"And done" he said, I opened my eyes and he took off the blue ribbon and put a bandage on me. "See it wasn't that bad" Bucky said while laughing, I rolled my eyes. Steve came knocking at the door. Bucky and Bruce left and I was stuck with Captain goody two shoes.

1240 words

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