Chapter 41

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Y/N's POV early March

"Y/N, Peter hurry!" Steve yelled from the door, we were packing our stuff for a vacation. Spring break started almost 4 hours ago and we're already leaving New York for Disney world Paris.

Me and Peter got onto the private jet, Mr stark, Nat, and Bucky were behind us. We sat down and sighed "12 hour flight" Peter said with a snicker. "Nap time" I said before curling up in a ball, Peter laughed and went to the corner to take a nap.

"Y/N, Peter, food" Mr stark shook us up and handed us this take out box with something in it. I groaned and opened it, my eyes went wide "wow" I mumbled. Sushi and rich people food were in it.

Peter was just as shocked, we grabbed utensils and ate, when I tell you it was good IT WAS BUSSIN. I hummed in satisfaction "just wait till we get to Paris, this is just the airplane food" Mr stark said, Mr eyes opened "what! This is just food for an airplane! I'd be lucky if I even got this for Christmas!" I was sister shook.

"Well now you could have this almost everyday" Clint said. We finished our food, I went to go sit next to Nat while Peter went onto his phone.

"Sooo, how are you and Mr barnes" I whispered "well... we are dating but I don't know if he actually likes me" "have you seen the way he looks at you Mrs Romanoff, he def like you, well- ok maybe it's just a stairing problem but still" she laughed a little

Peter came over to me and Nat "hey Mrs Romanoff" he smiled "you guys don't have to call everyone by their last name" She said.

The plane soon landed and we were exited "wow, Paris looks pretty" Pete said "this is just the airport" I walked around

We got into these limo's and went to this HUGE hotel "4 people to a room" Mr stark said, Clint, Steve, Bucky, and Sam chose a room. Nat, me, Wanda, and Carol were in another room. Mr stark, Pietro, Mrs Potts, and petey were in the next room. Thor, Clint, Dr banner and Loki shared a room.

"If you hear someone screaming at night it may be a raccoon don't worry" Wanda said before unpacking. I was confused but shook it off.

In the morning Nat woke me up "cmon, we have a full day ahead sweetie" She pulled the blanket off of me and I groaned. I got ready and met downstairs with everyone. "Finally the children are alive!" Clint said, Peter was right behind me.

We walked out and went to the park "wrist bands" Mr stark handed us all wrist bands. News trucks were around and we saw reporters running towards up. Mr stark grabbed Peter quickly while Me Barton grabbed me.

He turned me around so only my hair was facing the cameras, Nat came around and put an arm around me as well. "Mr stark! Mr stark! Is it true you adopted Y/N L/N" people with mics came running up.

"Back off!" Mr stark walked his way through the gates while part of his jacket was around Peter, Mr Barton walked towards a booth and put his hat on me to try to look normal ig.

"Where is she! Can we talk to her!" "No!" Mr stark yelled, I saw security come and take the reporters "no ticket no enter" a guard said.

When they were gone Mr Barton and Nat let go of me "sorry kid" Mr Barton said "it's ok" I walked towards a hat stand "Bucket hat!" I acted like a child pointing at them.

I grabbed my wallet but Mr stark stopped me "which one?" He asked while he grabbed his card "uh- Mr stark I-it's ok I can pay for it" he snatched my wallet from my hands "no"

I sighed and pointed at the frog one "Peter wants spider man" I smiled at Mr stark, he laughed and bought both of the hats Peter was quite happy to get it.

Me and Peter took a picture happily together and everyone was laughing about how happy we were with the hats.

We walked around and went on a few rides "rollercoaster!" I shouted while pointing at 'space mountain' "no!" Peter said while I dragged him.

"Y/N! No roller coasters!" He hated roller coasters, Bucky and Nat were behind me exited for the ride. "No!" Peter crossed his arms and stood next to Mr stark. "Fine then us three will go" Bucky dragged me and Nat into line, while Mr stark, Mrs Potts, Peter, Dr banner, And the twins went towards a water ride.

We got into the roller coaster, it was 4 to a row. We were in the second row, these teens were in front of us "omg! Can we take a picture" a blonde asked. Nat and Bucky agreed and all 7 of us posed for the pic, they thanked us and we got secured in our seats. The ride started and it was AMAZING, Bucky and Nat were holding on for dear life while I was so exited for this ride.

After the ride we went to meet up with the ones not in the water section. "Avengers section!" Clint yelled, we jogged over to where a hulk ride was "well this looks hulky" I said with a smile. We went on the ride about 3 times before I saw dr banner and dragged him to the ride, he enjoyed the ride.

After we went onto a iron-man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, And Thor ride. We did the main avengers then Pietro zoomed over to where the guardians of the galaxy dance battle was. "Dance battle!" Pietro cheered.

Everyone's jaw dropped when they saw us, the avengers smiled and waved while we waited for the next round.

"3 people per team" Walmart version of Peter Quill said. Wanda, Pietro and Petey were on one team while these 3 teens named Mica, Emily, and Jessie were on the other team.

"Umbrella just dance mode" Walmart Gamora started the music and they danced to it. The other three were really good, they had amazing dance moves. Pietro decided to stop going easy.

We were cheering our team on when they started getting more energetic. The song was almost over and everyone was getting tired.

Pietro, Wanda and Peter ended up winning "good job petey" I gave Peter and the twins high fives.

We went on a few more rides till we found the 'Thunder bolt' "Brother look! I'm more liked than you" Thor pointed at his ride, I laughed then dragged Thor and Loki over to the entrance.

Some people followed us while the rest stayed back not wanting to go on roller coasters. The line was kinda long but it was worth the wait.

When we got on the ride I sat next to Wanda while Thor and Loki were behind us. We were in the first seats, Pietro and Clint were behind the gods while Bucky and Nat were in another row. Some of the team was also behind us, Peter was forced to go onto the ride.

The ride started and on the first loop Peter was screaming like a girl.

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