Chapter 11

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"Sir if your here to lecture me, please don't" I said with a sigh. He sat across from me and sighed "I'm not really going to lecture you Y/N" "I just wanted to say that I get it's a coping skill but you can kill your self doing all those drugs and it can really hurt the people closest to you" he looked at me with sad eyes. he 'lectured' me for about 5 minutes.

"I don't do it a lot, it's like once a month I'm not even addicted to it. It just helps with the numbness and all the pain" "I know but please don't hang out with Jack and Rebecca like that, they aren't good for you" "how do you know what's good for me? You've known me for less than 24 hours and I'm hoping the drugs do kill me" I stood up and walked out the door "Y/N!" Steve yelled from behind me.

I wen to the guest room and grabbed my bag that I've had since the park, walked down stairs to the lobby and walked out "Y/N where you going?" Pietro asked "leaving" i said while walking away "you ok?" He sped in front of me. "I'm fine" I passed him and continued walking "well how you finna get home" he asked while walking behind me "I'll walk Pietro" I said kinda annoyed.

"That's a long walk" he scoffed. "I know" "please be safe Y/N" he said while walking back to the tower. I sighed sadly, did I hurt his feelings? Was I being too harsh?

I got back to the orphanage and walked through the door "there's the scum" mr seer said while holding a beer. "How'd you make them Pity you? Tell them your sob story?" Mr seer asked "no sir, they approached me first" I said before walking up the stairs "they don't really care for you Y/N" he yelled. I rolled my eyes, I feel like killing a whole town right now. My hands started to get electricity and I was clenching my fists.

I started to get really mad I dropped my bag on my bed, crawled out the window and ran into an alley crying. I fell to my knees and electrical energy was filling my body, my eyes were blue, my hands were lightning, power lines burst when I sobbed. I screamed and a blue wave of electricity left my body making all the power in the 10 block radius go out. I cried for a little longer and just sat there, debating on running away and never going back.

I leaned against the alley wall and continued crying, I grabbed my razor blade and cut into my right wrist
For making THE avengers pity you
Being an embarrassment and disappointment
For still being alive

"Wow I'm very mentally unstable" I muttered under my breath and laughed as I grabbed my phone with watery eyes

Wow I'm very mentally unstable LMAOOOO

Mr spy
You ok kid?

Ya I'm ok why wouldn't I be?
Just doing the normal daily stuff and watching the sun set while I sneak out of the orphanage

Young lady sneaking out is a very bad choice and can get you in a lot of trouble

Well it's better than being at that hell hole

Bet you $5 your in an alley rn

What yo cash app?



What's wrong with it 🙄

e v e r y t h i n g

Why the letters far apart?

It's just an expression

Orphan X avengers wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now