Peace was never an option

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Enid's POV
Forests are so peaceful. Nothing can ruin this beautiful place. The only things that can be heard is the wind, cutting its way through branches and leaves. Little animals can be seen in the shadows, lurking for their pray. There is nothing wrong with an area full of trees. Or so I thought. Because, right now the only thing my ears could pick up is the sound of my own breath, it was unusually quiet. Taking a few more steps in this place, a figure caught my eye. But something was wrong about this man. He wasn't moving and was leaning on a tree. As I approached him, I realized that he was stabbed in the chest with a knife. It was piercing through his heart, pinning him to the tree. Horror took control over my body, I froze right in front of him, not knowing what to do. I don't know why I did it. But for some reason I tried to take the weapon out of his body. The moment I touched it, I felt a rough hand on mine, grabbing my wrist. I looked up again and the moment our eyes met, a scream shook me and I felt all his pain on my face. I shuddered and tried to escape from his grip. He then grabs my shoulder and drives his nails in my skin. The pain was too much from me and I couldn't help but shriek. Next think I know I'm in my room, laying on my bed. But someone else was there with me too. Wednesday was sitting on my bed her hands keeping me from escaping. It must have been a dream because she looked at me with sleepy eyes, whispering. Oh no I woke her up. They will probably find my body in the closet.

No one's POV
-What happened.
-You were whining and fidgeting on the bed.
-Did I wake you up?
-No, actually I haven't slept all night.
-Really? I'm so sorry.
-No, it wasn't because of you. Those pathetic boys on the other side of the dorm have been bothering us for a long time. Apparently they have nothing else to do with their sad little life. What if they went missing?
-You know I might consider it.
Enid's dream flashed through her. The memories of the man came back to her. She tried to hold back her tears but there was no fighting it. She started sobbing and covered her face to try and prevent little sounds from escaping her mouth. Her roomate noticed this and laid next to her, pulling her into a hug from behind. She place a hand over Enid's and closed it inside her fist. The crying girl's palms looked so small in her friends hands. After a while, her breathing was back to normal. She still couldn't get over the fact that the cold hearted girl she met, was this soft.
-When did you get so touchy? The blonde asked with a laugh, her voice cracking a bit from before.
-I'm just making sure you shut your mouth for the next four hours.
-Alright, my soft cookie.
-I will murder you.
-Good night, cookie.
-I will bring out my knife if you don't stop this nonsense.
Enid smiled and closed her eyes, there wasn't any other moment in her life where she would feel this safe.

Wednesday's POV
Once I made sure Enid was asleep, I left the bed and approached the window. Those stupid kids were still throwing rocks at our room, trying to catch my attention. I have to find a way to get rid of them.
-Hey freak! Where is Enid?
-What do you want with her?
-Tell her we need to see her.
-Get out of here or I will come down there and deal with you myself.
-Fine meet us at the gate for a little chat.
-Of course, brainless creature.
I said and closed the window. I glanced one more time at Enid before leaving the room. This will be fun.
After a while here I was standing before them, should I throw them in the river? That would be enjoyable.

No one's POV
-So what did you need me for?
-To beat the shit out of you of course.
-The last person who said that was found the next day inside his locker.
-Oh really, do you want the same to happen to you?
-Threatening me won't get you anywhere. So here is my last warning. Run for your pathetic little life.
-Oh we are so scared!
-Why were you looking for Enid?
-Oh we just wanted to hang out with her.
-Isn't it a bit too late for that?
-What's it to you? Do I ask you why you hang out with people ?
-I only hang people. Plus Enid told me that you and your friends are the worst group of this school. Clearly she wants nothing to do with you.
-Oh but we do.
-What did you say?
The boy realized what he had just said and looked at his friends with a pale face.
-Just mind your own buisness bitch! If I want to knock her up, I will. So be a good idiot and get the fuck out of here.
Wednesday was filled with rage at that point, the urge to attack was getting more and more out of control.
-I will bash your skull against the wall, cut off your head and place it on top of the gate.
-I'd like to see you try, bitch!
Wednesday threw the first punch, breaking his nose. His friends came to aid him trying to hold Wednesday still. Unfortunately there were too many of them and she couldn't fight them off. Their leader came closet to the girl, holding his nose.
-I warned you. Nobody fucks with me.
Wednesday then felt her left eye searing with pain, dizziness was starting to get through her, she heard the boy mumbling something.
-Let' s get out of here, my nose really fucking hurts.
-I think your face actually looks a lot better now.
The girl said and with a grin.
-Oh really, well that eye of yours doesn't look good. Come on guys let's go.
The boys let her fall to the ground leaving her at the gate. Wednesday got up quickly and fled to her room, she had to get to Enid.

Enid's POV
Where the hell is Wednesday? She has been gone for nearly an hour...I can't sleep without her. Not after that dream. The sound of a door creaking caught my attention, it was her. I immediately shot up from the bed and got closer to her.
-Where were you? I told you nobody is allowed to leave the dorms that lat-
Once we were face to face I got a good look at her. Oh my god, her eye.
-I just went out for a w-
-Don't you dare say for a walk! Sit on the bed and tell me the truth!
She didn't say a word, weird. Have I broken her?
I took my first aid kit from the bathroom and started cleaning the area around her eye. It had a deep shade of purple. She looked like she was in pain but didn't want to say it.
-Remember those boys I told you about?
-Just tell me you didn't kill them.
-Unfortunately, no.
-Thank god. But what about that black eye.
-I broke the leader's nose, he hit me, got scared and ran away with his friends.
I sighed as I started dressing her wound. I placed both of my hands on her face getting closer to her.
-Don't try this again or your hair will be my property for the rest of the week.
-No, thank you!
I laughed and kissed her eye right on the bandages. I could feel her iris moving and her breathing go silent for a few seconds. The next morning we woke up in each other's arms.

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