The Addams approve

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No one's POV
It had been weeks after the events at the prom, students and teachers were both shocked and traumatized from the experience. Only a few seemed to have enjoyed the ruined dance. The teenagers were now all over the school yard, waiting for the principal's announcement.
-Why is she taking so long?
Wednesday asked with a grumpy look.
-Patience my little devil.
Enid said with a smirk, petting her girlfriend's head which was now resting on her shoulder.
After what felt like an eternity, Mrs Weems appeared in front of the children, having that same glamorous smile as if she didn't almost have a panic attack after that blood incident.
-Thank you all for coming. First of all, I would like to thank every single student for making an appearance at our lovely prom. We did have some misfortunes, but it has been quite an experience.
Wednesday and Enid turned their head, facing each other with an evil smirk.
-It sure has.
The blonde whispered trying to stop herself from cackling. Wednesday was also on the verge of bursting out laughing.
-And while we move on from these events, I am very pleased to announce that we are getting some visitors next week, our lovely parents!

Enid's POV
No, no, no, no I did not just hear that. This has to be a joke, there is no way they will show up. I felt my blood run cold. My lungs were aching, making it difficult for me to breath. I hadn't realised at this point that Wednesday was staring at me.
-What's wrong?
-Uh, nothing, I'm perfectly fine.
-No, you're not.
I sighed looking down. Wednesday could read me like a fucking book by now. I felt her hand interwine with mine as she led me away from the yard. After a few minutes we arrived at our room. I reached for my side of the room, trying not to get Wednesday's attention. I sat down on the bed as my mind was racing. What if they actually show up? How do I deal with them? What if I just disappear-
Wednesday cupped my face and leaned in to kiss me.
-What is it, you annoying wolf?
Wednesday's forehead was resting against mine and I felt my entire face heat up, I still can not believe this gloomy girl's love language was physical touch.
-It's nothing Wendy, I'm just....
I felt her kiss my cheek and pull me in an inescapabe hug. I placed my hands around her neck, trying to prevent myself from crying, but it was inevitable. I started sobbing against her shoulder as if I was a fragile little girl. I hated this, I hated how she wrapped her hands around my waist, how she pulled me closer, how she whispered soothing words. No one else ever in my life was this kind to me...not even my parents.
-It's okay sweetie, I'm here.
I smiled against her chest.
-I know.
My voice cracked a bit at her words, how on earth can an Addams be so loving? I wipped my tears and looked up at her, she was smiling. Oh god, how on earth can someone be so beautiful? I leaned closer and pecked her lips, her smile was still there.
-How about now?
A deep sigh left my lips, I started fidgeting my fingers trying to put my self altogether.
-My parents...aren't really fond of me. I have been nothing but a dissapointment for them since the day I  was born. They sent me here in hopes of discovering my true werewolf nature, since Nevermore is a school full of outcasts and freaks. Well...that was two years ago.
-You mean they haven't visited you all this time?
-No...and I don't want them to. I have been doing just fine without having them around, reminding me how much of an embarrassment I was for our pack. Or how younger werewolves could easily rip my throat out since I am a weakling that can not even  transform.
-I'll get the shovel.
Oh good old Wednesday Addams.
-W-what, no, no shovel my angry shortie, I just do not wish to see them.
-And I will make sure of it.
-Nope, I need my soft cookie to remain calm.
-Fine, I'll just take my deadly knife.
Wednesday tries to reach her side of the room, before i pulled her back onto the bed.
-Oh hell no, Addams, no knives, no guns, no attempted murders for a whole day, got it?
-Alright, I guess I can torture Pugsley, since our parents never leave him behind. I could snap his bones this time.
-Oh you're such a good sister.
-I know.

Wednesday's POV
Enid and I were sitting at our lunch table with her vampire friends, gossiping for useless informations like love triangles, rumors and other stuff teenagers often confused themselves with. Our parents were supposed to show up any minute now.
-I'm telling you Enid, Xavier has been following Bianca!
Yoko said with excitement as Enid let out a shocked gasp.
That name really irritates me, I just want to claw her eyeballs out whenever I see her.
-Damn, I never thought the artistic boy would fall in love with our siren.
-Oh come on, Bianca has been trying to get his attention for over a month. She's told us a thousand times, have you forgotten already?
-No, I do remember, I just never expected Xavier to-
Enid turned around as soon as she heard footsteps. The vampire tried to alarm everyone.
-Oh shit, siren's here, play it cool!
Bianca got into our table, sitting between me and Enid....where is that knife?
-Hi girls! What are you taking about?
Oh you are not leaving this table alive.
-Three ways to kill a siren.
Bianca made a frowing face, clearly annoyed.
-Haha, very funny Wednesday. Am I supposed to be scared right now or something?
-You should, actually.
-Listen here Addams, there is no man alive that can make a siren- OH SHIT!
Bianca immediately jumped from her seat as soon as she noticed Thing on her shoulder. That was even funnier than that one time Pugsley fell from a tree. I took Thing off her shoulder and placed it on the table.
-What the fuck is this?
-This is my loyal servant, Thing. Thing, please introduce your self properly.
Thing got up and started shaking hands with everyone.
-Ok, the last thing I expected today was shaking hands with a disembodied hand! I have to go, see you guys
The vampires waved goodbye at Bianca and proceeded laughing. I couldn't keep the excitement that threatened to escape my lips, I started laughing too and noticed Enid was also unable to control herself. Enid got even closer to me so she could hug me. At any other ocassion I would never let her touch me. But something is different this time. I was filled with joy rather than anger, warmth was all over my chest and I couldn't help but reciprocate the hug.
-Oh my god lesbians!
Yoko yelled with excitement.
-Keep you voice down vampire.
-Oh come on Wends, everybody knows what you are, especially after that prom.
A bunch of students barged into the cafeteria interrupting the peace, before a boy yelled.
-Our parents are here!

No one's POV
The two girls were now walking around the school yard, trying to spot their parents.
-Do you see them, Wendy?
-No, they are not here. Thank god, at least I don't have to hear their awful stories from the time they were students.
Wednesday couldn't be more wrong because apparently Gomes and Morticia were standing right behind them.
-My little storm cloud!
The black haired girl turned around with a cringe face.
-Mother, father, where is Pugsley?
Her little brother was standing next to Enid.
-Hi sis!
The blonde got startled and held her girlfriend's arm.
-Oh god! Hello there little fella! I'm Enid, Enid Sinclair!
Enid extended her arm to Pugsley and the two of them shaked their hands. She almost forgot to greet Wednesday's parents.
-Mr and Mrs Addams! I'm sorry for not introducing myself!
Morticia and Gomez were staring at Enid with a smile.
-That's ok sweetheart, you don't have to explain yourself. Have you found your parents?
Enid's smile faded as soon as she heard that question. Wednesday noticed this and decided to interrupt her mother.
-Mother, I have something to tell you.
-What is it darling?
-Enid and I are dating.
The parents were staring at Wednesday with shock, turning their attention to the blonde girl. Enid thought that this was the end of it, she was getting murdered tonight. But what the Addams did really caught her off guard. Both of them hugged their daughter's girlfriend as if she was their own child. Enid was overwhelmed at this point, her mind was racing at their sudden gentleness. The last time they met was when Wednesday had arrived to Nevermore and well, they were clearly terrified from the colorfullness of Enid's room.
-We are so happy for you girls, you have no idea how happy you made us today!
That voice. The voice that made Enid shiver, the one that always brought bad memories that were buried so well in the back of her mind. The girl broke the hug with Wednesday's parents and turned to face her own.
-Mom? Dad?
-Hello Enid.
Her mother said with a poker face.
-What are you doing here?
-We thought it would be a good idea to visit you. You seem to be holding up pretty well.
-Yes I have been doing just fine, until now.
-I'll ignore your sarcasm. So, have you been able to transform yet?
-I have. Perhaps it is best if I just show you.
Enid's eyes turned into a dark yellow and her fangs were showing. Her parents's eyes widened at her sudden behavior.
-N-no it's fine, we are so happy for you. You finally live up to the Sinclair name.
-Hm, then wait till you hear this.
The werewolf grabbed her girlfriend's arm and intertwined their fingers. She looked up at them with a smirk.
-I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Wednesday.
Her parents froze at their daughter's announcement. Meanwhile Gomez and Morticia couldn't keep their excitement and hugged Enid's parents who where still confused. Gomez gave a bear hug to Enid's dad.
-Isn't it wonderful?! Our children make a wonderful couple!
Enid's father was still proccessing the whole situation.
The two girls couldn't stop laughing at the chaos happening in front of them, Pugsley was eating beside them and then he got an evil idea.
-What is it Pugsley?
-......I thought you were American!
Enid cracked up at the little boy's joke.
-Oh my god I love your family Wendy!
The blonde said while still laughing.
-Pugsley, I'm going to chop your fingers tonight, one by one.
-Please leave the kid alone.
Pugsley came closer and whispered in Wednesday's ear.
-Gay, gay, homosexual gay.
-That's it, you've wasted your final breath brother.
The dark haired girl started chasing her brother all around the yard while he was screaming. This day was too good to be true, Enid thought. Maybe Nevermore wasn't as bad as she thought after all.

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