I haven't always been against Birthdays

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Wednesday's POV
As soon as the bell rang, halls were flooded with students, heading to every possible direction. Their little smiles made me sick, I wish I had my precious machete with me but my parents insisted I leave it behind. How am I supposed to have a wonderful time  without a little stabbing?
-Ugh I hate it here!
Yoko nodded at me while trying to cut a piece of meat with her fangs.
-Uh-huh I see you, but you seem way depressed today, is something bothering you?
-No I just want to get out of here as soon as possible, I really can not stand all these weak minded teenagers.
-Well they only have one braincell, so I guess your theory isn't so bad after al-
A familiar voice cut Yoko off, oh it was my annoying roomate, nice. What? No, not nice, terrible!
Enid shouted from afar, walking beside Bianca with a mischievous smirk, starring at me and for some reason she looked way prettier than usual. I have never seen her like this, what was her deal? Is she plotting something, should I hide?
-What is it?
Enid said while giggling. Ok that's suspicious...that's weird. What was that for? Oh my god can she get more frustrating?
-Alright I gotta leave children,Bianca you're coming with me, see ya cotton candy!
Yoko grabbed Bianca and headed for her own classroom, while Enid made a grumpy face.
-Don't call me that!
It seems the little werewolf has been bugged, excellent.
Nevermind, I need to get to class. I started walking towards the classroom as I felt Enid's hand wrap around my arm and tug on it.
-So..Biology, your favourite!
-Actually chemistry is more preferable, it gives me the opportunity to-
-Ok I got you, let's get going my soft cookie!
-I do not tolerate this nick name, just wait till you get punished later.
-Oooh kinky!
I felt my face heat up.
-I will electrocute you!
-Sure you will.

Noone's POV
Enid and Wednesday both sat down to their desks as soon as the teacher entered the classroom. The blonde was still stealing glances with Wednesday, leaving her roomate confused.
-Good morning children! Today's topic is werewolf reproduction, please open your books at page 37.
Enid instantly froze, she always hated that subject, every student would stare at her and ask her weird questions. But now it was worse than ever because Wednesday would learn all about her true nature. She quickly put her hood on trying to avoid any eye contact, especially with her crush.
-Alright children, would anyone like to tell us what a knot is?
The teacher looked around the class and spotted a pale dark haired girl facing the wall.
-Ms Addams, would you please give us the answer?
Wednesday whole body tensed as if she had been shot, sweat was dripping from her head.
-Uh.. It's.. I-I-It's a...connection between uh...the two wolves...after..sexual activity.
-Thank you Ms Addams, does anybody have any questions? If not let's move on to pregnancy.
The blonde girl was pretty sure she was about to faint, she felt more embarassed than ever. Time was passing really slowly, students were clearly not enjoying this subject but none more than the two girls who wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

Enid's POV
That was more embarassing than I thought, I really want to disappear right now. I looked out of the window trying to get my mind of that lesson this morning. There was a full moon tonight. I could feel the blood running in my veins and a pure energy glowing from my body. I felt so alive and full of power. My eyes turned into a deep shade of yellow and my skin started to produce fur, oh no my werewolf form is about to appear soon.
I instantly jumped from the sound and turned my back against the window.
-Oh god you have me a start!
Wednesday furrowed her eybrows in confusion.
-Are you...Are you turning?
-Yeah...it's not a fun experience but necessary, don't worry it will be gone till the sun comes up.
-I don't mind.
Oh shit I almost forgot.
-Alright I have a surprise for you!
-I hate surprises.
-You will love this one, I'm sure of it!
I pleaded at my soft cookie with puppy eyes.
-Fine, just stop whining.

Wednesday's POV
What is it she wants now?
Enid sat down to my bed, facing me with a box in her hands, offering it to me.
-Happy Birthday Wednesday!
-How did you know about this, did you touch my birth certificate?
-No, your brother actually told me.
Enid said with a smile.
-Hm, it has been 2 weeks since I haven't tortured him. Perhaps tomorrow would be a good day to cut that mouth of his.
The werewolf laughed as if I have said something so casual.
-Okay, open your present now.
I take the wooden box out of her hands which for some reason were really warm and place it on the bed. Let me guess some stupid teddy bear, am I right? Some aweful key chain? I open the box, expecting to find something weird and definetely useless like all people do with their presents. But what I found inside was really unexpectable, a butterfly knife. There is no way a girl like Enid Sinclair, a sunny and insecure teenager got me a weapon.
-Pretty cool huh? I know how you miss knives and want to kill everybody. Now you can make your death threats more entertaining!
-Hm, it looks sharp, maybe you're right, those teenagers will see me as a serious threat. My parents wouldn't let me bring my lethal weapons here and I really needed them...
Blonde was looking at me with a grin, uh I'm rambling.
-Well I'm glad you liked it, unfortunately I have to go find Bianca, she texted me some minutes I go and I need to get to her room-
-Thank you.
I really want to punch myself right now  but I don't have any other ideas to show my appreciation. Meanwhile Enid got closer to me, I could feel my face heat up. She placed her hands to my shoulder and leaned in to kiss my forehead.
-Your welcome.
As she left the room I couldn't help but stare outside of the room, my eyes were wider than ever. I reached for the bottle under the bed I have saved from before and began drinking like there was no tomorrow.

Enid's POV
After spending hours trying to solve Bianca's romance problems like trying to hit on the blonde boy, I felt my self getting really tired and animalistic at the same time. As I was walking I came face to face with the idiotic boys of school, oh no not again.
-Oh guys look, it's the blondie! Oh my, is it your mating season once again?
-Haha, very funny.
-I 've heared some stories about pups mating with their siblings. Does your family also practice incest?
-Fuck you.
-How bout you say that again and see what happens?
I move closer to him standing in front of his face and showning him my fangs.
-Fuck. You.
-You mouthy bitch.
A fist flew right in to my stomach, knocking the air out of me. At that moment I felt a sudden rage consume me, my werewolf features were starting to show and I could feel myself getting bigger. The boys stared at me in shock, except their leader. He brought out a metal bar and faced me with a hatred look in his eyes, this day couldn't get more eventful, could it?

No one's POV
Wednesday was by now officially drunk, well not too drunk but she was starting to get dizzy. She had emptied three bottles which now were lying to the ground. The door opened quietly as Enid entered the room. As she reached her side, she took her sweater off, revealing bruises and cuts, something that Wednesday spotted. The black haired girl reached her roomate's side and sat down behind Enid facing her back.
-You're injured.
Wednesday said as she examined the girl's back.
-It will heal.
Enid answered with a cracked voice, tears were flowing from her eyes.
Wednesday then, for the first time in her life decided to lay all of her cards on the table. She placed her hands around Enid, locking her in a loving embrance. The werewolf's shoulder was covered in kisses before Wednesday had the courage to tell Enid that-
-I love you, Enid.
The blonde couldn't believe in her ears, she actually thought she was dreaming. There was absolutely no way Wednesday Addams had just confessed her feelings to her roomate.
Enid turned around to face her soulmate still with tears in her eyes, but those tears were of hapiness. She placed her hands on the pale girl's head bringing her closer and finally locking her lips with the girl.
-I love you too Wendy.
She said a final time before kissing Wednesday again and throwing her onto the bed. Both girls grunted as they fell on it, Enid was on top of Wednesday still kissing her. Not one of them was willing to let go of the other.
The next morning, the girls woke up next to each other, cuddling and exchanging kisses. Wednesday was lying on Enid's chest as the blonde was massaging the back of her head and leaving little kisses. The dark haired girl couldn't help but smile at her roommates sleepy feautures. This moment was something the girls would never forget for the years to come.

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