Chapter 9: "Saving Natura" the Child Prodigy in Peril

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—In the Akusuka District—

The lights of the area would turn on again while it could be seen in full view, the scene destroyed as a result of the joint attack of BBJ and Sayu towards a Discordant Sergeant who was possibly buried in rubble. The Idol Sirena would soon return to her usual white, yellow, cyan and pink color hue, until she began to feel a little exhausted as she returned to having a repentant behavior for what she had done and then heard the voice of her mother who it sounded sad.

Tila: Guys, guys please wake up! -She begged her while she gently moved the body of her best friend, the good thing is that he and the rest still had a pulse, they just needed to be woken up- Remi, guys, I'm going to be very angry if you don't wake up

Sayu and BBJ would go to where Sayu's team was, watching with worried faces as the rocking duo waited for the youngsters to wake up and Sayu would hug her mother to comfort her. Meanwhile, the refugees from Suka Pop Center would exit the building, among the crowd leaving, there were several doctors assigned by NSR in case an incident occurs at the festival. A couple of doctors would go to where the unconscious young people would be to treat them, soon they would contact one of the establishments located in each district known as Rhythm Hospitals. In a few minutes, several ambulances; a total of 4, they would arrive without problems at the place, thanks to the fact that the presences of those monsters had withdrawn from the place after the defeat of their Superior in command. Paramedics from one of the ambulances would take the unconscious youths away while others would stay behind to treat the wounded after the attack.

Sayu: Mom -She said as he released her from her embrace- go with them, I'll meet you when the situation is under control

Tila: But Sayu... -She wanted to beg but she was stopped by a calm smile from her daughter while her eyes fixed on hers-

Sayu: Don't worry Mom, the citizens need to feel safe in my presence when everything calms down -I answer while looking towards the citizens who some still had fear inside, she would look with a positive behavior- For something I am the one in charge of directing this district, I need people to be able to navigate in calm waters while there is still no storm that breaks

Tila, hearing her daughter's words, would understand in a nod, she would give her a hug as she said goodbye to Sayu and BBJ who responded with a wave of goodbye as they watched the young blue woman get on one of the medical vehicles in which she was found young Remi prostrated on a stretcher whose one of his lenses could be seen a large fracture.

After the departure of the pair of ambulances that had taken the young teenagers, BBJ would prepare to rest while they were attended by a paramedic while Sayu would go to where the scene was destroyed by the final combined attack. The mermaid would look at her with a somewhat guilty look for what she did since when her body had received that abrupt change, she felt that she was slowly feeling different from how she was before. While she thought about why she had felt that way, she could notice some noises produced among the rubble of the destroyed stage, she would swim a little upwards to have a better view to notice surprised and happy to know that the Discordant Sergeant was dating something. Difficulty out of the rubble.

Octorchea: *Sounds of effort* Stupid beams... -He would say in an exhausted tone as she tried to remove several metal supports that had fallen on the lower half of her body using the tentacles of her head-

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