2nd Season | Chapter 7: Great Rift

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The trio was perplexed by the shocking sight before them. Large root-like structures, now completely obsidian in color, surrounded what seemed to be the center of everything, a glowing neon blue portal.

Sayu, Mayday, and Zuke exchanged glances, not fully understanding what they were witnessing. The scene for them was surreal and disconcerting; more surreal than the art of a two-color artist and more disconcerting than having to listen to self-praise from an egocentric DJ. Each of them felt a mixture of amazement and concern at the unknown, Sayu was the first to break the silence, with a determined expression on her face.

Sayu: We have to tell Tatiana about this -She said with a firm voice- Peon, will you be able to behave when we get to the Tower?

Peon, although still affected by the influence of the unknown entity, nodded weakly, showing his willingness to collaborate with the trio after this horrifying situation. With some concern, Sayu would try to contact the CEO of NSR, she was to inform Tatiana about what they were witnessing. While the Idol waited for a response, BBJ cautiously observed the portal and the strange structures around it.

Mayday: Do you think they got out of that thing? -She asked her fellow drummer, seeking her opinion on the situation-

Zuke: Well May... his architecture coincides a little with theirs, but as for that portal... -Responded as he stared at the center of the structure- it doesn't seem like it's connected to them...

The conversation between Mayday and Zuke reflected her bewilderment and concern about the situation. Although the structures resembled those of the Discordants, the color of the portal added an element of mystery and bewilderment that left them without clear answers about what they were witnessing. After a short time, Sayu's call had finally been answered.

—At the Natura Rhythm Hospital—

Tatiana, she was determined to return to her profession despite not being fully recovered. Eve showed concern for her health. A small discussion would be taking place between the CEO of NSR and her right-hand woman.

Eve: Please Tatiana, you are still not completely recovered.

Tatiana: Enough, Eve... I have to go back to the Tower and help them find that little thug invader -She said with determination-

Eve seemed worried about Tatiana's decision, but she couldn't stop her, she knew that Tatiana wasn't one to allow chaos to reign in her city. With that determination, Tatiana prepared to return to the NSR Tower and face whatever was causing the disturbance in the Vinyl City Districts, but she would not go alone this time.

Eve: Fine... but I'll accompany you too.

Tatiana with a smile, nodded, ready to leave the Hospital, a call rang from Tatiana's phone, when she took it out she saw that the contact was one of her artists.

Tatiana: Sayu... -With a raised eyebrow she answered the call, activating the speaker so Eve could hear- Hello, Sayu, what's going on?

A short silence was heard from the other side but soon Sayu's voice would be heard to inform him about what happened.

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