Chapter 15: Shattered Work

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—In the Dream Fever District, inside the Evenfall Gallery—

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While the battle against Primal was raging in Metro Division, another battle was brewing, one against the NSR CEO's right-hand man. Eve was in severe trouble against a couple of very dangerous discordants who had her cornered, Banshee and her junior Sergeant were the ones fighting the two-tone diva who was preventing them from advancing to their next destination, the NSR tower. Banshee was mainly concentrating on his opposing artist while his Tropical Sergeant was supporting his Lieutenant using a pair of percussion musical instruments, this being a pair of obsidian colored oval maracas with neon pink spikes and handles, he was in charge of preventing several white or pink hands from approaching his Lieutenant.

Banshee: I would like to continue with this all day but, I have already wasted too much time playing cat and mouse -Being calm, she was about to use her long hair to catch her opponent's left leg-

Eve: Kughhh! -With a grimace she endured her pain as she felt her left leg being wrapped in Lieutenant Discordant's sharp, steel-hard hair-

Her skin was beginning to receive a large, spiral cut as Banshee put more pressure on that area in order to pull her out of a square she was hiding from.

Eve: Hyaaagh!! -Her scream could not be held back, on her leg she could feel how her flesh was slowly torn by the sharp upper fibers of the discordant Lieutenant's hair, with no other choice, she decided to stop resisting-

Trópical: Whoa Lieutenant, I managed to catch an exotic beauty!! Three cheers to our Lieutenant who is a fabulous bird of prey! -In mood, he was shaking her maracas rhythmically while at the same time hitting the hands coming towards them- ♫*Cha, cha!*♫ Hip, hip!  ♫*Cha!*♫ Hooray! ♫*Cha, cha!*♫ Hip, hip! ♫*Cha!*♫ Hooray! ♫*Cha, cha!* ♫Hip, hip!

Banshee: Enough, Sergeant... -She said in a curt tone, making Trópical stop congratulating him. Now her attention was directed towards the two-tone artist who had brought her before her- "Well, Miss Eve, will you cooperate and tell me how to get to her main building?"

Eve: I'd rather be dead-a than betray Tatiana-a to a-a screaming goofy harpy -She replied refusing with a look of contempt before the Lieutenant which she would wrinkle her forehead-

Banshee: SO BE IT... -Angered, she would take the diva who had insulted her by the neck with her right hand, tightening her grip with the purpose of strangling her-

Eve: ¡Aughh! ¡uuugh! -Chuckling sounds and attempted coughs were produced, trying in vain to fight with the strangler of hers who had a wide psychotic smile-

Scratching and kicking attempts were the resistance responses of the bicolor artist who desperately struggled to free herself from the discordant Lieutenant's grip, her attempts began to give way little by little, her eyes looked up towards the ceiling while the illusory room from where they met would go away fractured until it immediately shattered and shattered in the process.

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