Why Do I Care?

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Jeon Jungkook

"I've missed you..."
"I've missed you so much more.."
"You're so pretty..."
"Take me upstairs..."


I quickly look up.

Damnit, I've been zoning out too much.

"Did you even get any sleep last night? Or-" He gasps loudly, "Jeon Jungkook, are you hungover? At work?!"

I wince as I shut my eyes tightly.

"Please, Hyung, don't yell. My head hurts."

I sit back in my chair and rub my temples.

But it isn't just my head that feels bad, I just feel off in general.

I feel stressed, and It's concerning.

Jin smacks his lips as he shakes his head in disappointment.
"You crazy twenty one year old, I told you to get your life together, not your damn alcohol. I'll be back with medicine."

"Thank you Jinnie!"

"Yeahh, yeah."

He shuts the door and I chuckle.

He really is the best, which is why I feel so fucking guilty.

I just had a weird, intimate, romantic? Couply dream with his baby brother.

But, why though?

I mean, dreams are always weird, right?

I shouldn't be worried about it.

My heart starts racing.

But I am! I am worried about it!

As I said, I'm stressed!

And what scares me the most is, I'm not opposed to it...It wasn't bad...having Jimin in my arms, telling me how much he missed me..

I groan as I run both hands through my hair.

Why is he in my head so much? Why do I care so damn much?!

My phone dings and I lazily grab it.

Taeyhungie 😎
"Hey! We've been so distant lately, let's have lunch together today?"

I smile. I could really use that.

"Yes, absolutely. Text me where and when."

                   .           .           .

"Hey stranger!"

I smile at Tae as I pull him into a hug.
"Hey man, I've missed you."

"With the way you're hugging me I think I can tell that you did," he says.

He pulls away and laughs at my saddened face.

"What's wrong?" He asks with a slight chuckle, "Who or what made you so sad?"

I sigh as I open the door for him.

"Let's have some coffee, I've got a lot to tell you," I say.

We choose a small table with only two chairs, and we order.

We smile at the waitress before she walks off.

"Okay, why don't you start off with telling me why you're upset, then go into the details," Tae speaks up.

I sigh as I look into his eyes.

"Is it Jennie?" He asks.

I haven't even spoken to Jennie, I completely forget about her when she isn't mentioned.

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