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“Ophelia.” Her mother called out immediately she heard her scream.

“Mom.” She cried out.

“Please, my daughter, open the door.” She begged her.

Ophelia stayed for some seconds before getting up and staggered towards the door.

Maria heard the door lock clicked, she pushed the door open only to see how deranged her daughter was.

“Oh, heavens.” She lamented. She looked around and saw how scattered everything was.

“Ophelia, you can't keep doing this to yourself.” She cried.

Ophelia brought her mom closer and engulfed her in a tight hug.

“Mom.” She called out.

“I am here.” Her mother replied in a cool voice.

“why are we so unfortunate when it comes to men?” she asked with her eyes dazed.

“my daughter, we are not unfortunate. It is just that fate is preparing your ideal man for you.” Her mother consoled her and her lips curved in a grim smile.

“Ideal man you say.” She hissed out and pulled away from the hug.

“Jeremy was my ideal man but what did fate do, it took him away from me in the most cruelest way ever.” She spat out in sudden anger.

“We were doing all good before it decided to interfere in our lives.” She added.

It was in the middle of the night. They could hardly see each other but the faint light made it possible.

“you know what I think, I think fate is against us. I think it does not want to know what it feels like to be loved and cherished, mom.” She said, crouching down to her knees and started crying again.

Her mother was already crying too. She remembered the past with her husband also. It hurts but she has to act strong for her daughter.

“Ophelia, you know before you were born, your father used to love me..” She was talking when Ophelia interrupted her.

“Used to love you? Really? Huh, what happened after?” she shouted.

“all men are the same, all they do is hurt women's feelings without any sense of remorse.” She yelled with her breath harsh.

“Ophelia, I understand the pain you are going through. It is your first breakup and also heart break. That is why I want you to be strong for me. And for you.” Her mother pleaded.

“I don’t think I can, mom, I am too weak right now.” She mumbled and faced down.

“when am I going to stop thinking about him, mom?” She asked and looked her mom in the eye.

“when did you stop thinking about dad?” she asked looking at her mother when she got no reply.

“It is quite impossible to stop but you can do things that will prevent you from thinking about it.” Her mother answered, without meeting her in the eye.

“D-Does that mean y-you still t-think about d-dad?” she asked with scrutiny.

Her mother swallowed hard and looked away.

“I courted him for three years and then was married to him for seven years, how do you expect me to let go so easily?” Her mother muttered.

“So you have not forgotten about that man and what he did to you.” Ophelia said, looking at her mother with irritated eyes.

“I am trying my best.” She said.

“that best is not enough.” Ophelia said sternly.

“Ophelia, calm down and think straight.” Her mother urged her.

“I will come check on you tomorrow morning.” She dismissed and left for her room. Their discussion was slowly going awry.

“Goodnight.” Ophelia choked out.

Maria heard but did not give a reply.


Maria entered her room and locked it. She went over to her wardrobe and brought out a photo frame. It was a  picture they had taken on their wedding day. And it was the only one left as he had angrily burnt everything that night. He really wanted her out of his life.

Maria sat on bed and stared deeply at the photo frame in her hands. She misses him but she doesn't dare say it out. Although he mistreated her, she still had feelings for him. She was always in love with him. He loved her.. Yes, he did. She also did not know where she went wrong.

“Please, God, Let my daughter find someone that would protect and cherish her.” She prayed silently.

She saw how happy they looked. How could a mother and daughter suffer the same fate? This was clearly impossible.

She remembered how he looked when he knelt down with his ever handsome face and proposed his love to her. He had done it on leave and people were clicking photos. She felt like the happiest woman on earth that day. And the foolish her was all over the moon, shoving her fingers straight into her friends eye.

Was she not later dishonored?

She never knew what a devil he was before she got married to him. She watched him sleep with sluts. Go to beer parlors. Spend his money on other ladies.

You want to know more. He rapes her even after he has satisfied himself from other ladies outside. He compares her to those ladies and tell her that she was never sexy. That all those lovey dovey was  because of a bet he and his friends had placed on her. He beats her almost to the extent of fainting. And yet she was not ready to leave. Her daughter had watched her dad beat her up.

You know they used to be one happy family. Whenever he comes back from work, she makes sure to give him a soothing massage and it sometimes end in a romantic love making. She makes sure that his food was always ready even.

Especially when she was pregnant with Ophelia, he took care of her like the Queen of his empire. He prepares breakfast before he leaves and then when he comes back, he cooks dinner. He gives her massage with so much love.

How she wished she could turn back the hands of time and see where she went wrong. She should have known he was only after… she heaved a sigh.

She kept thinking if she could endure the pain then he was going to change but then he is full of surprises you know.

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