A New Job

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Coming out of the bathroom, Demetrius had a towel tied dangerously low on his waist.

“Yes, mom. Sure. I will be coming back in three days' time.” He said, rolling his eyes as he hand picked his shirt and wore it.

“Mom, as soon as I am done. I will give you a call.” He said with a dismissive tone. She would not stop telling him to take care, eat well, sleep well and watch his health.

He is grown up man for goodness sake!

After he was done with wearing his clothes, he used the cufflinks and buckled the laces of his shoes. He stood up and brushed his hair.

He struck a pose at his reflection in the mirror. He chuckled and carried his suitcase. Then he walked towards the door of his room.

Sometimes, Demetrius could be funny, caring, affectionate. And other times, he could be that business tycoon.

He saw Steven standing outside already. He already wore his shoes.

“I was thinking I will be the one knocking on your day.” Demetrius said as they walked down the corridors. Steven smiled and pulled the exit of the hotel open for him. He stepped out and they saw a black limousine waiting outside for them.

Steven hurriedly pulled the door open for Demetrius and he stepped inside while Steven followed suite.

He went through his phone and was too into it that he did not notice that they already arrived at the company.

“We have arrived, Sir.” Steven announced to him. He looked up from his phone and looked out.

“Okay.” He stepped out of the car and headed towards the entrance of the company.

This was one of his many companies. People scrambled and some scurried away.

He hates slacking. They could slack else where but not in his own company.

He and Steven stepped into the elevator and they came out not longer after.

They entered meeting hall and the people that were seated all stood as soon as they noticed him.

“Welcome sir.” They all said to him. He nodded his head and took a seat while Steven positioned himself beside him.

“What is this meeting about?” He asked.


Ophelia came out of the bathroom.

She stared at herself in the mirror.

‘Am I healing?’

‘Should I wait for him?’

‘No, he is nothing but a cheat. I have to be strong. I definitely won’t let another man trample on me like that again.” She said with herself. She really let herself down.

Like seriously?

She was sulking over a guy that did not deserve her.

She really, really let her walls down and now she has to be build it back. And this even more firmly.

A deep breath escaped her nostrils as she stared at herself.

She had to be strong. She watched her dad maltreat her mother at a young age and since then she did not let a single soul bully her. She stood her ground.

Now just because a stup*d guy like Jeremy cheated on her, she has to be weak and make her poor mother worry about her?

No!, she has to show her mother how forgetting these males is done.

The first step to be taken is blocking him. She looked around for her cell phone but did not seem to find it. She walked towards the drawer and pulled it out. She found it there and switched it on, she saw the photo of him and her which they took few months ago after they started dating. They seemed like a promising couple. She hissed out and went to her contacts. She pressed on the search button but could not find his name. She searched for his second contact and saw his name with a love emoji close to it. She scoffed out and clicked on the block option.

She went to her chats and deleted everything about him. She went to the settings and changed the wallpaper to the automatic one that was in the phone. She meant it when she said she will forget him.

Second step is to go out and look for a new job. The money her mother makes from the diner is not enough to pay the bills so she has to look for a better and more paying job.

She picked some sneakers from the racks and saw some heels she had gotten just for him. She laughed out at how dumb she was.

She realized at that moment something. That all she did, all she ate, all she wore, all she said, he was in control of it all.

But now, no more!

She picked out her gold necklace and wore her silver wristwatch. She stalked out of her room and saw her mother, already prepared to leave for her diner.

“Bath already?” She asked even though she knew the answer already. Maria was startled by her voice and turned around to look at her.

“Seems you don’t know the amount of time you spent in there.” Maria said as they both walked towards the dining table. Ophelia shrugged and sat down.

“So, mom. I was thinking about looking for a job. What do you think?” Ophelia asked. Maria looked at her and smiled.

“I won't stop you from working, Ophelia.” She said  softly.

Ophelia beamed a smile in return and started eating.

“I will go to the cyber café to surf through the internet for job opportunities and when I am done, I will come over to the diner and help you out.” Ophelia said and Maria nodded her head in agreement.

Maria soon finished eating and left the house after a brief hug with Ophelia.

Ophelia cleaned the plates and dumped the towel down on the counter. Then suddenly her phone vibrated in her pockets. “Hey, babe. Sup.” Kelly hollered at her and she rolled her eyes.

“Hey, don't break my eardrum. I’m good and you?” she asked in response.

“Fine. Guess what?” Kelly said with new mischief mixed in her tone.

What else was she going to say again other than meeting a new guy?

“See Kelly, say whatever you want to say. I am not good at guessing.” Ophelia gave up even before starting.

Kelly hissed out in annoyance. “Well, the culinary program I applied for in Texas, I have been called to resume. You know I once told you about it.” Kelly said with excitement.

“Wow, congratulations.” Ophelia said with a foreign smile on her lips.

“Thank you but there is a problem…” Kelly said with her voice low and sad.

“And what is that?” Ophelia furrowed her eyebrows as she stepped out of the house and locked it.

“I don't have an apartment there yet and we will be resuming in a week time.” She said, picking on her nails. Ophelia frowned.

“Hey, don't be sad. When you come over we will be able to see what we can do together.” Ophelia said.

“Okay, gotta get back to work. Talk to your later.” Kelly said and disconnected the call. Ophelia put her phone in her pocket and looked for a cab. She did not see any. She sighed. Guess she will do the walking. And besides the cyber café was not that far from the place she was.

She soon got to the cyber café and after few negotiations with the owner of the place. She switched on the desktop and started surfing through the internet. She logged in with her credentials as she searched for job vacancy on websites. Then after going through, something like twenty three websites, she gave up. The jobs she saw there has nothing to do with her line of course. Just as she was about to log out, her finger hit the mouse and it clicked a particular website.


She mused.

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