Interview II

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"Bye." Ophelia waved at Kelly as she got into the cab while she got into another.

It was the day she was going for the interview and she could say she was quite nervous. She had her clothes well ironed; and her pair of black flat shoes.

The cab got to her destination after giving him so many directions but who does not know the DMT multi-billionaire groups companies.

She got down from the cab and stood staring at the huge company before her. She inhaled and exhaled. She was about to take the next step of her life and she needed to do that carefully.

She walked into the company and saw the receptionist.

"Good day to you, miss. how may I help?" The receptionist asked her. Ophelia smiled and said. "I am here for the interview."

"Okay, miss. kindly go towards the elevator by the left and the office is on the third floor," she answered. Ophelia whispered a 'thank you and walked away.


"Sir, these are the files for those who applied for the position of a marketing officer." His secretary said as she dropped the files. Demetrius looked up from the files he was working on and nodded his head.

"You can leave." He dismissed her and pulled the files closer to her.

Just then the telephone on the table rang. He picked it.

"Sir, My Gael is here to see you." His Secretary that just left a while ago informed him.

"Let him in." He said.

Gael pushed the door open and walked in.

"Hey, man. how are you doing?" Gael asked as he took a seat in front of him.

"I'm good," Demetrius answered without looking up. He was so much into the files. then suddenly, Demetrius' eyes brighten and a faint smile crossed his lips.

“Demetrius, I have never seen you smile at her lady's profile after what Emery did to you.” Gael, Demetrius's business partner, and good friend spoke up. Demetrius' eyebrows twitched as he glared at Gael.

“I think I am going to like the fun that is coming.” He said with a smirk playing on his lips. Gael stared at him with a confused look. He said and picked up his telephone. just as he was punching in the figures, the telephone rang and he picked it.

"Let her in." He said.


Ophelia got to the third floor and met with the Secretary. After the pleasantries, she was told she could enter. she went in.

She walked into the office and saw the two men.

"Good morning, sir." she greeted the first man, knowing fully well that he was not the boss. Then Demetrius turned around and her eyes went wide as she saw the man who was going to be her boss. He raised an eyebrow and had the smirk she wished she could clean off.

"What?! What is he doing here?" She thought in surprise as she looked at him with eyes dilated in shock. She gulped down nothing as she squeezed her fist.

Demetrius had his serious facade on.

'Well, two can play the game.' He thought with an oblivious smirk.

"How may I help you?" He questioned as he stared at her with an emotion-free face. She blinked her eyes and darted her gaze away from him for a while before looking back at him.

"I was told you needed a market officer and I happened to be one." She explained with a dry gulp.

His eyebrows twitched. "Oh, so. How many years of experience do you have?" He asked.

"These things you are asking is the file before you. Why are you doing this?" She thought mentally with a scoff.

"You think you would go scot-free for that insult?" He thought as he looked at her back. They both shared eye contact.

Then suddenly, they heard someone clear their throat. They cut it and looked at Gael.

"Don't you think you should interview her or something?" He said as his eyes flickered towards Demetrius.

"Oh, yes. Interview... Erm... I... Anyways, you got the job." He said, surprising both Gael and Ophelia. Ophelia narrowed her eyes on him as she heard this.

"DM?" Gael said and looked at Demetrius as if he had lost his mind.

"What... Did you say?" She stuttered.

"Don't you want the job?" He asked with his eyebrows creased.

"Definitely... I want it. T-Thank you so much, sir..." She trailed off.

"Demetrius Valencian." He completed it.

"Oh, yes. Demetrius Valencian." She said as she bowed slightly for him. He picked the file before him and pointed it towards her.

"Give this file to the secretary outside and she would know what to do." He said and she hurriedly took it before exiting his office. Gael faced him with an amused look on his face.

Demetrius looked at him. "What's wrong?"

"You just said you are going to like the fun and I can see the fun already. When you are done, I would like to know the full story. Anyways, I was here to ask about when I would be getting the file. " Gael said, changing the topic.

Demetrius rolled his eyes. "Tell Mary to give it to you." He said.

"Good, see you later." He said and exited the office.



"Like I seriously got the job?" She thought as she watched the Secretary punched on her keyboard.

"But why do I feel like I am entering my own doom?" She thought again.

She was still stuck in her thoughts that she did not notice the Secretary calling out to her.

"Miss." She heard. She blinked her eyes and looked at the Secretary.

"Oh.. Thanks." She said with a slight smile.

"The office is on the fourth floor." The Secretary told her. Ophelia nodded her head and walked towards the elevator.

"Thank you Lord, I really appreciate. Now I can get enough money to take care of my mother and she would not need to worry about not going to her little diner." She thought as she stepped into the elevator and pressed the fourth floor button.

She breathed out and checked the time on her wristwatch. It read 9:30 AM.

"Maybe when I am done for the day, I will give my mother a call." She thought and the elevator made a loud sound. She smiled and stepped out of the elevator. Before her, were people who are busy punching on their keyboard.

Finally, this is the job she has been craving for.

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