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Days passed and Demetrius and Ophelia's relationship was just as normal as every other boss and secretary relationship. But it did not last long.

As usual Demetrius and Ophelia were in the office busy checking out and looking through his schedules for the day when Claire rang him through the telephone.

He forced his gaze away from the file and picked the telephone.

"Sir," she greeted.

"Get straight to the point, Claire. I am quite busy here." he said.

"Miss Emery is here to see you," was all she said before she disconnected the call and door got pushed open roughly.

Demetrius looked up instantly while Ophelia just looked casually. Emery stood there with a glare at Demetrius.

"Emery?!" Ophelia did not miss the spite in his voice.

"Long time no see," She said with a smile that did not reach her face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he stood up on his feet.

"Let's just say I miss my best friend after that little fight we had," she said with a shrug.

He stared at her with calculative eyes before he scoffed.

Why was he not feeling the rage he was supposed to feel? Like the rage he felt that night she betrayed him?

But instead he is tense and something was punching him in his guts.

All Ophelia did was just stare at what was happening there. Emery's eyes wandered straight to her and a smirk tugged at the side of her lips.

"Got yourself a new fvck?" she said and before Ophelia could give a response after she gasped, and Demetrius spoke up.

"How is that your business?" He questioned with his eyebrows arched. She looked at him and scoffed before looking away.

"Well, dad extended his greetings," She said.

"Which dad? Is it the one that is dead or the one your mom forced to be with?" He asked and Ophelia winced at his choice of words. Emery's gaze turned teary before she swallowed them back and breathed out. She was here for something and she will get whether he likes it or not. She knew, no scratch that, she thinks she still hold that place in his heart. Well, she knew that he was in no relationship with Ophelia. She made her research.

"Did your mother tell you I visited her and she forgave me?" she asked and Demetrius looked at her.

"Don't let her acceptance get to you, she only told you since that is what you wanted to hear and as you can see, I am quite busy. Take. Your. Leave." He said, emphasizing the last words. Emery stood where she was. That was when she realized that she was still standing on the outer part of his office. She gave him this smug look before smirking.

"See you later, Dimitri." She said intentionally, knowing how much he hates that name. But he acted indifferent and looked ahead of her instead. She huffed and slammed the door shut as she walked out of the office. Ophelia stood there surprised at what just happened.

"Sir..." Demetrius raised his hands, shunning her. She gulped the words down and looked away. She really doesn't understand what just happened. Demetrius did not notice the look she gave her when she was about to leave the office, Ophelia knew she meant trouble and she would do her best to stay away from her.


Her phone rang and she picked with a hiss.

"How did it go?" The voice asked.

"Failed." She said and disconnected the call. She exhaled and stepped into the car.


"So who was that?" Ophelia finally asked the question that has been bugging her. Demetrius stopped to look at her with an amused look.

"And since when do I answer to you?" He asked and she looked away making sure her scoff was not loud.

"She was my childhood friend," was all he said and she nodded her head.

They both stepped into his car. After the incident at his suite, Demetrius made dropping her at her house a habit, not like she was complaining but it was quite close. She sighed as she looked out of the window. But then she noticed they were not going in the route of her house.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"My house," Demetrius asked with his focus on his phone.

Her eyes widened as she heard this.

"W-What?" She stuttered. She was going to his house?!

"Don't worry, I stay with my mom and I am not going eat you." He said, looking at her briefly before focusing his gaze back on his phone. Her heart was hammering against her chest. She hated the way she was feeling at ease with him. And the way he was behaving towards her. They were supposed to hate each other. Despise each other presence. Even loathe each other but now no one can ever understand the relationship between them. Maybe they did not notice the tension building between them through out the past days.

Maybe they were were cut up in their daily business and lives.

The car came to an halt and they wasted no time in getting down. Demetrius took slow and meticulous strides towards the house while Ophelia walked behind him. He opened the door and stepped inside. Ophelia hesitated first before entering. She looked at her wristwatch, it was 4:49 PM. And yes, they have been leaving the company quite early these days.

She was tugged out out of her thoughts when she suddenly heard a childish squeal. She looked up and saw Demetrius carrying a young girl. The girl had her set of teeth out with a grin on her face. Her lips subconsciously raised into a smile.

"Dimitri, who is this?" She asked and then Ophelia noticed that name again. But this time he did not react to it but earlier on...

"This is Ophelia, my personal secretary. Ophelia meet my sister, Maureen and my mom..." He looked around for her.

"Here I am, son." She said and Demetrius grinned while Ophelia gawked at him. She has not heard him laugh or even grin apart from the smirk she always wished she could clean off from his face but here he was grinning as if he just recovered his favorite teddy.

"This is my mother, Loretta." He introduced and she smiled at her.

"I am Ophelia Martins," she said.

"I know, Demetrius told me about you." She said and Ophelia looked at her boss with confusion.

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