𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1; The shit first chapter😒 ✔

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"Their names will be Arien, Arjen and...Aries."

The first memory the three siblings had of their father wasn't a good one.

The man was going to kill them, snapping their necks and ending their life there and then. But instead, he decided to give each of them a name. With his voice as cold as ice and a glare piercing into their skulls.

The babies did not cry after being birthed. They slept quietly in soft blankets with no reaction to their surroundings and dangers they'd be facing.

Well actually, one of them did get to see the outside world that day and react to the danger that was their own father.

'Where the hell...'

She had no idea where she was, but something she did know was the sight of the blond strands of hair shimmered above her like spun threads of precious gold.

Trying to use her hands to shield her eyes from the blinding radiance emanating from the stranger's hair was useless as her body felt as if it were on the brink of collapse and her limbs stayed glued down. Her body was depleted of all energy to even move, not like it was strange or out of place for her to feel utterly lifeless, but she couldn't even move a fucking muscle...!

'Rapunzel..? Wait a second...Oh, are you fucking kidding me'

The girl swiftly adapted to her new circumstances, seeing that her once built up figure was replaced with that of a weak infant's body. Squinting her eyes against the radiant glow of the hair, she came to accept the possibility that she may have been re-born. Or as her sister would call it, Reincarnation?

Despite her uncertainty and lists of questions, she remained calm and observant, taking in every detail of her surroundings and the peculiar sensations in her new body.

'My name... my name's now Aries..? Isn't that a fucking Zodiac sign? Hell nah, that's never happening'

And that was five years ago...

A small child sat perched by the window, the summer heat radiating through the glass, making even her gesture feel like a sweat-inducing endeavor. Yet, her face bore no hint of delight, only a heavy sigh escaping her lips.

"It's our birthday today..."

"And?" a boy called out, leaning casually against the worn wooden bedframe, he fixed his gaze upon the girl sitting by the window.

Arjen Ysilven Yuriana, the fourth prince of the empire, and is also the only brother to the two girls. Maybe the only reasonable one out of the three.

"Arjen..." The little girl turned her gaze towards her brother and their eyes met. They were the exact copy of one another, with matching blond hair and eyes that transitioned from a deep red to a warm orange hue.

"No one cares and we don't really care, so there's not really a point," Arjen shrugged nonchalantly.

While she did indeed care about celebrating their birthday, the prospect of doing so felt like too much of a hassle, and she found herself in agreement with Arjen. "You're right."

Just as the weight of their shared disillusionment settled, a third voice piped up from the bed, where another blonde-headed girl laid close beside Arjen, burying her face deep within the folds of her blankets. "Can you guys shut up? It's like...three am, and I'm trying to take a nap..."

Aries Sora Yuriana, a princess of the empire, and, well—you'll find out what kind of person she is very soon. She spoke slowly and with a slur, almost as if she never slept before and was thirteen bottles drunk.

"But it's the afternoon, Sora. And it's not three am, more like three pm," Arien retorted, glancing back out the window and staring at the blazing sun up in the sky.

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