𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 21; Night night😴

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Arien stepped into the room after her quick shower and walked up to the couch where Sora and Arjen sat comfortably in their pyjamas. Sora sat with her back comfortably rested against Arjen's shoulder, with her legs up to her chest as she held a glass vial containing some strange liquid.

Arien didn't bother questioning anything since she knew she wouldn't get a comprehensible answer, so she directed her attention towards Arjen.

"You okay now, Arjen?" Arien asked.

Arjen nodded, "Yes, I'm alright."

"That's good!"

Arjen nodded and patted the free space beside him, and Arien smiled. She tried crawling onto the couch, but failed to get on as it was too tall for her to reach. Only for her to feel a lift from the air, making it easier to get onto the couch.

Arjen nodded and gestured towards the empty space beside him, and Arien smiled. She attempted to climb onto the couch but found it too tall for her to reach. Suddenly, she felt a gentle lift from the air, making it easier to crawl onto the couch.

"Thanks, Sora!"

"You struggling to get on was just painful to watch any longer."

Arien huffed, appearing offended as she remarked, "Rude." But she knew there was no malicious intent behind Sora's words and so she chose to play along with the situation.

Sora swished the glass vial between her fingers and watched as the liquid inside splash against the glass walls, reflecting the surroundings within its clear semi-transparent liquid.

She took a few more looks at it before flicking the rim off the vial, letting a crisp ring punctuate the air. Then, with a thoughtful hum, she tilted the glass vial to her lips and swallowed the liquid down with gulp.

Arjen watched as Sora finished the context of the glass vial with a grin without much of a reaction. But unlike Arjen, who already got used to Sora's questionable antics - one of them being what she just did then - Arien never knew or understood like her brother, so she stared at Sora with bewilderment.


'Did...Sora just...drink...that?'

Arjen chuckled at Arien's reaction.

"Don't think too hard about it, Arien. Sora's just...uh, how do I say this, making sure she doesn't die from the poison inside her, by drinking stronger poison..?"

"What the actual fu—"

"Ah, ah, ah," Sora interrupted before Arien could finish her sentence. "Swearing rights are reserved for me, myself, and I."

Arien blinked a few more times in silence, before uttering, "Um...it safe..?"

"Logically, no. But it's Sora, so screw logic," Arjen stated.

Before Arien could ask on further, The Emperor entered the room with a towel in his hand as he dried his blond hair. Servants trailed obediently behind him, attending to his every step.

'He's back..!' Arien was slightly startled by The Emperor's sudden appearance and unconsciously shifted closer to Arjen.

The Emperor turned towards the servants and said, "You may leave now."

The servants bowed and responded politely, "Yes, Your Majesty."

'Don't leave us here..!' Arien internally cried as she watched the servants walk past them and towards the door.

They stopped momentarily and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Imperial prince, Imperial princesses, we wish you a lovely night," before closing the door behind them shut.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒║The Twin Siblings New Life x ocWhere stories live. Discover now