𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 17; Mad dog? Nah. A puppy

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Eiji Nolbeia Yuriana; The third prince of the Yuriana, whose symbol is the green hawk. 

Except for his family and a few trusted subordinates, he did not hide his violent nature and was said to be violent enough to follow the emperor into the battlefield since he was young. His nickname was the emperor's mad dog...

And thats where the three siblings will be going today in this chapter.

"Wait... that sounds oddly familiar," Arein rubbed her chin in thought, then, it hit her. "Sora!" Arein shot a look at her sister, who was standing beside her. Eyes in her thoughts while holding a parasol in her hands, Sora's whole body was completely covered from the sun's raise. 

"Hah?" Sora, who was just in thoughts of her yesterdays daily dose of trauma, looked at Arein with a scrunched up face. "Did you just compare me too a dog?"  

"I mean..." This time it was Arjen who spoke, he looked at Sora with a look. It was the look. "What everyone has told us about the third prince...matches you pretty well."

Sora placed her free hand on her chest, took a few steps back and gasped in a dramatic tone. "How dare you! I feel attacked here, and by my own siblings!"

Arein looked away from Sora's gaze and Arjen kicked a random pebble on the floor. Sora's eye began too twitch. "You..." she was so desperate to just go over too Arein and Arjen and strangle them, but the maids walking behind them interrupted. 

"Your highnesses just need to walk right in" one of the maids said, pointing in front at the path leading too a building. 

"And since his highness requested that only the three of you could enter," the servants that were there too serve the three siblings, all backed away, really fast. Without letting neither of the siblings say anything about dismissing them, the servants were now all gone.

"That's wired..." Arein sweat dropped after seeing how fast the servants backed away.

"I didn't even say they could go" Sora huffed. 

"Haa" Arjen looked up at the gates, on top of the 10 meter brick wall was a green hawk. Probably symbolising the third prince's slav- servant. "Dang it" Arjen shook his head, Sora was getting too him lately. 

"I think we just follow the path?" Arein said.

Arjen ruffled his hair, "I guess." He had a feeling that this place was...wired.

"Um. Sora, Arjen," Arein called, both her siblings attention was on her. "There are some children over there" she pointed at the group of kids talking beside the fountain. 

"None of them are blonde, so they must be nobles children" Arjen said.

"But there aren't any servants?" Arein said, it indeed was strange for noble kids not too have at least one servant with them.

"Tch, just leave them." Sora glared at the 4 kids, who now have noticed their presence. She narrowed her eyes at them. Sora wasn't a kid person, she hate them, but little brats were a headache too deal with.

The little kids looked at each other, looked at the three blondes and walked over too them. Arein and Arjen took a small step back when the 4 kids confronted them, really close too their face.

"Aren't you guys the famous fourth prince, first and second princess?" The kid up front -the one who was way too close too Sora's face- said in a posh voice. A bratty attitude and overconfidence, Sora knew where this was going.

"Your the dirty illegitimate children of the imperial family!" he says, pointing directly at Sora's face. 

Sora, who was still holding the parasol above her head, used it too casted a shadow over her face, making it difficult too tell what she was feeling at the moment. Arein and Arjen who stood on either side of their sister, looked at the 4 kids with black eyes.

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