A/N: Read this👹

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So, I need to ask you readers some questions.

I have the next two chapters already planed out and drafted in my drafts, but I'm going to finish editing the past chapters, since the updated ones and the un-updated ones don't match in plot and I just simply want to fix some things up in the chapters before I start moving on.
(It's going to take a while)

If you couldn't tell, I'm trying to add/change some things to the original plot, which was quite, how do you say it, plan? Cliché? Boring sometimes? 

So I want to add some new things to it, such as backstories for Arien and Arjen, more interesting scenes with the imperial family + other characters, e.t.c.

I know that I have changed quite a few things from the manhwa/novel, but it's for spicing up the story and other things.

Something I also changed was the character's personalities. Like Arjen, who I changed has his personality drastically from the original manhwa/novel. 

He was originally not really even a character, more like someone Arien could talk to so she could have her inner monologs and to fill in the role of 'damsel in distress' so other chracters, mainly Arien, could save. (The 'Twin Siblings' part of the title is a fat lie)

And Arien.

I'm pushing her to the background slightly. She's just there to play out a certain role I need.

Anyway, there is also the inconsistence of Sora's personality. I know her character is all over the place, but just go with it :')

The manhwa for 'The Twin Siblings New Life' already had 100+ chapters...I wonder when I'm going to give up...

I know I'm not posting on a schedule, and (most of the time) leave for a few weeks without posting, but school really likes to kick you in the ass everyday + my unmotivated ass self lmao

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