𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 6; Butterflies go brrr🦋

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"Your imperial highnesses, please enter, his majesty, the emperor awaits you," the butler says in a monotone voice, closing his eyes and bowing down, while he pushes the two golden covered doors open.

*Put in some dramatic music :p*

The doors soon creek open, slowly. And there, at the end of the long-ass-table, sat the emperor, just sitting there.

'That man is...The emperor...!' Arien could feel her goosebumps rise on her arms, stiffening at the sight of the emperor.

"You must say, 'we greet our esteemed father'," Ishina reminded, nudging the siblings lightly.

Arien and Arjen looked at each other, hesitating if they wanted to call that man in front of them, their "father", but they obliged, not wanting to be dead meat. 

"We greet our esteem..." The word "father" was stuck in their throats, daddy issues run in both lives.

"Tsk, Ishina didn't I tell you not to say stupid irrelevant bullshit?" Sora snapped, glaring up at the maid.

Arien looked at her sister with a face that she was witnessing her end. Arjen facepalmed at his sister's stupidity, sighing.

"What?" Sora tilted her head innocently at her siblings, blinking with big doe eyes.

"Right, I apologize princess."

Arien took a slight peek up at the emperor, who didn't seem to mind the ruckus that Sora had caused, still keeping his stoic face.

"Doesn't matter, you may take a seat." The emperor waves his hands, gesturing for the siblings to take a seat.

The siblings, slowly, walked over to the table but didn't sit down.

Arien stood in between Arjen and Sora, looking over at each of them with a quivering face. 'I don't want to sit away from Arjen and Sora...'

Arjen seemed to notice his sister's worry and grabbed her hand, giving her a small smile. Sora also found that sitting separated from her siblings in a room with the emperor was stupid, and decided to do something.

"Oi, you three," Sora pointed at the servants standing there beside the emperor. "Move the chairs together."

The servants were hesitant to follow the princess orders, but once they saw how she was glaring at them with a piercing gaze, it was almost like there was a shadowing figure standing behind her -suppressing them with a deathly aura- they quickly followed orders.

"Y-yes your highness."

Sora eyed the man sitting on the chair on her left, he didn't seem to be bothered at all with her ordering his people. 'Well at least he isn't yapping'.

The siblings soon all sat in their spots, after the servants moved three chairs next to each other. While Arjen and Sora started to pick up their utensils, Arien stared down at the juicy steak on her plate, not moving her hands to try it. Arien pressed her lips together, tightly. Looking up at the emperor for a moment and thinking, 'Even though the dishes are being served one after another...I have no appetite at all...'.

'EKk!' Arien shrieked internally, the emperor caught her staring at him and looked her in the eyes. Red meeting green are contrasting colors, making Arien jump out of her seat a little.

'Our ey-eyes met!'.

Sora, who was slicing into the stake with the given utensils, stopped eating the steak half way and looked up to see her sister and the emperor having a staring contest.

"Are you two going to eat?" Sora said, breaking the silence that Arein ever so wished to disappear.

The emperor opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out for a moment. "...Yes, I will but it seems that your sister doesn't like any of the food," he says, glancing over at Arien, who looked paler than a ghost.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒║The Twin Siblings New Life x ocWhere stories live. Discover now