𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3; Daddy iSsUeS😁

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It was the next day after that incident, Ruarhel's body was still lying there, dangling on the branch lifeless. Pale ass skin, with Ruarhel's eyes being non-existent. To the outsider, they would almost feel a sense of pity that a woman like Ruarhel died in a way that looked so painful, but to Sora, it was somewhat of a sculptured painting. 

A painting that captured the wickedness of the main focus -which is Ruarhel in this case- but still made the fact that she died in an almost majestic way. Her body was positioned almost as if she was ascending to the heavens, with the light of the morning sun shining on her body, making her pale skin glow.

It was freaky that Sora saw the woman -who abused her for 5 years- in this kind of light. Sora didn't really care that Ruarhel had abused her for her whole life, she just took notice once the woman died, how she died. But since Ruarhel had touched her siblings -and not just her- Sora had her opinion on the woman.

But no one had expected that something like this would happen, even Sora, whom was actually surprised that Ruarhel didn't die from overdose. No one would have guessed that Ruarhel would die from being skewered on a branch.

And even though Sora covered Arien and Arjen's eyes, they could still tell that Ruarhel died a gruesome death. They could still hear her scream from last night, lasting for barely a second, but it was still echoing.

Arien was feeling a bit nauseous after remembering what she had heard last night, and Arjen noticed.

"Get some rest Arien," Arjen said, while patting her head. He knew that Arien wasn't the best at handling anything gruesome or gory.

Sora looked over to her siblings, who were resting on the bed. She sighed, placing a crimson gem back down on a table next to her. "I'm sorry that you had to witness that."

"No, no Sora! You're the one that actually saw her death." Arien quickly exclaimed, trying to notice her siblings not to over think about her health.

"I'll close the curtains," Arjen suggested, walking over to the curtains -which was right beside Sora- but once he was standing in front the window, he was stunned at what he saw outside.

"Um, guys..."

Sora glanced over her shoulder at Arjen, turning her body around to face the window, finally getting why her brother was stunned. "What the..."

Arien also decided to see what her siblings were all being silent about, and got out of bed and walked over to where Sora and Arjen were standing. Arien got up on her tippy toes, peeking over the window to see what was going on, outside was an order of knights wearing golden armor, standing in lines and marching into the house. And the only people who would wear the golden color for armor, are the Imperial knights of the imperial family.

"Are they here for Ruarhel's funeral?" Arien asked, moving her head to face Sora, but her attention was still on the knights.

"No, they walked straight past her body," Arjen pointed out.

Sora looked at the knights and then Ruarhel's body, which was now covered in a white cloth. It was a shame that Sora could no longer see the painting on display, but now her siblings don't need to see Ruarhel's lifeless body just being there. "There are here... for us."

"What!?" Arjen and Arien looked at Sora with a questioning gaze. How did she figure that out just from knights marching in?

The knights marched into the estate, so Sora took the time to drag Arien and Arjen over to the painting and hurried inside, just in case the knights were really after them.

Arjen glanced over at Arien and noticed how her complexion was getting a little pale. "Are you ok, Arien?" Arjen asked in genuine worry for his sister.

"I just feel... nauseous..." Arien answered in a weak voice.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒║The Twin Siblings New Life x ocWhere stories live. Discover now