Chapter 2 🌷

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He changed into his uniform and [Name] gently placed the butterfly clip in his hair, smoothing out any forming wrinkles in his trousers. Exiting the room and heading for the door, he sees Sumi holding his bag and offering it out to him. [Name] took it and slipped on his shoes.

"Aoi prepared you a healthy lunch. We know there's a cooking hero there, but because of your coin, we thought we'd spare you the effort." Naho said, smiling brightly as [Name] nodded before flipping his coin, noticing it landed on tails as he hesitantly placed his hands on Sumi and Nahos' heads and ruffled their black hair before heading out the door, not noticing their sparkling eyes.




[Name] noticed the large door outside of his classroom that he was standing outside of. Sliding it open to see many colourful people, some in seats and some making friends. [Name] sat down in the back corner, noting a dual-haired male next to him who held a cold glare.

[Name] put on his usual smile before sitting down, staring ahead, oblivious to those around him.

"Tsuyuri-Kun, it's a pleasure to see you again." A voice called out next to him.

Noticing it was Iida [Name] pulled out his coin and flipped it, something Iida was used to with him. Seeing the coin land on heads, [Name] tucked it away.

"It's the same with me, Iida-Kun. See you around." [Name] replied before returning his attention to the front.

"B-But Tsuyuri-Kun, why did you leave Somei half way through the year?" Iida asked.

"See you around." [Name] spoke.

"H-Huh, you didn't answer my questio-"

"See you around." [Name] smiled.

Iida decided to move on, leaving to go scold a spiky blonde-haired boy who had his leg resting on the table, then proceeded to introduce himself to a green-haired boy [Name] remembered as being the one that almost fell.

"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." a deep, tired voice spoke, causing the entire classroom to go silent. "This is the hero course. Okay, it took 8 seconds before you were quiet. "

The man climbed out of his sleeping bag. "Time is limited. I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa," he continued. "Nice to meet you". The classroom gasped.

Aizawa reached a hand into his sleeping bag, pulling out a blue, white, and red P.E uniform. "It's kind of sudden, but go put this on and go onto the field."




"A quirk assessment test!?"

"What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" The petite brunette questioned. Meanwhile, [Name] stood to the side, playing with his coin as a pink-skinned girl watched him curiously.

"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events." Aizawa announced, pulling a device out of his pocket and showing it to the class. "You all did these in junior high. Physical tests where you couldn't use your quirk."

"Bakugo, you finished on top of the practical exam, right?" Aizawa asked, causing said student to look up [Name] remembered him from the practical exam where Bakugo had yelled at him for "stealing" points.

"In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?" Aizawa asked to which Bakugo thought for a moment before answering, "67 meters."

"Try doing it with your quirk; you can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle," Aizawa spoke "Hurry it up."

Tsuyuri-Kun ¦¦ Bnha x KNY!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now