Chapter 4 ✿

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Cautiously, Midoriya and Uraraka climbed through an open window, looking around carefully. After all, they have to be wary of three people. Bakugo and Iida, the villains, but also [Name] who, after watching him during the physical assessment, was extremely nimble.

All of a sudden, Bakugo launched himself from round a corner, taking both heroes by surprise before releasing an explosion. However, Midoriya tackled Uraraka out of the way.

"Are you okay, Uraraka?" Midoriya asked, sitting up quickly to prepare for a second attack.

"I'm fine, thanks!" Uraraka responded, sitting up as well.

Bakugo cleared the smoke with an angry look in his eyes. "Come on, Deku, don't dodge." he spoke before he went for his next attack.

'H-Huh!?' Bakugo thought as Midoriya blocked his swing before flinging Bakugo over his shoulder and slamming him to the ground.

"Kacchan... you usually start with a right swing. How much do you think I've been watching you?" Midoriya panted as Bakugo sat up with an angry grunt.

"I wrote an analysis of all the heroes I thought were amazing in my notebook, the very same notebook you blew up and threw out the window," Midoriya continued. "My 'Deku' isn't always going to mean 'useless'. My 'Deku' means 'you can do it!'"

Uraraka's eyes sparkled as she listened to Midoriya quote of what she had told him.

Meanwhile, [Name] was wandering the halls listening to the explosions and yelling nearby. Bakugo clearly didn't fear him, so he didn't bother keeping quiet, so [Name] wouldn't find him, but in spite of that, [Name] didn't go in the direction of the sound. Midoriya and Uraraka had just entered, so they would still be together, and obviously Bakugo was there, and knowing him, he wouldn't be the best teammate, meaning he probably attacked on his own, meaning Iida must be protecting the weapon all alone.

Searching many rooms led [Name] to nothing until he heard Iida speaking, probably to Bakugo through his earpiece. [Name] snuck into the room and hid behind a nearby pillar, listening.

"I'm not asking about how you feel! Hey! Bakugo? He hung up..." Iida sighed.

In the monitor room, the rest of the class watched intently, each group watching a different screen. "Oi, look Tsuyuri is in the same room as Iida!" Kirishima called out, causing everyone's attention to switch to the camera watching [Name].

"Shouldn't he just team up with the villains though?" Jiro asked, considering both Iida and Bakugo looked stronger than Midoriya and Uraraka at the moment.

"Tsuyuri probably has a plan," Yaoyorozu spoke confidently, but she too was curious as to what [Name] was doing.

Back with Midoriya and Uraraka, the latter was running to try and desperately find the room containing the fake nuclear weapon while Midoriya 'dealt' with Bakugo. By 'dealt' it's more like Midoriya leading Bakugo on a wild goose chase as he tried to form a plan.

Uraraka eventually found the room containing the nuclear weapon, but she titled her head, puzzled as to why Iida wasn't there.

"I have to tell Deku that Iida isn't-" Uraraka was cut off by a sharp kick to the back of her knees, knocking her over before a hand pushed her fully to the ground.

"Gah!" Uraraka gasped, turning around to see [Name] with his knee against her legs and preparing to use the capture tape on her. 'No! I can't lose like this, I have to use my quirk!' However, Uraraka realised that [Name] held her wrists in a tight grip, so her fingertips couldn't touch anything.

[Name] quickly tied her up before placing her down next to Iida, who was tied to a pillar that was originally hidden from Urarakas' view. "Dammit, I was careless and it's got me caught," Iida muttered under his breath.

[Name] efficiently tied Uraraka to the pillar, securing her before leaving once more, presumably to go find Bakugo and Midoriya.

"Uraraka, have you found the weapon!?" Midoriya asked through the earpiece.

"Yes, but Tsuyuri caught me and Iida. He's probably heading for you and Bakugo next. The weapon is in the middle of the 5th floor!" Uraraka responded bowing her head in shame. "I'm sorry that I got caught so quickly, Tsuyuri's incredibly fast."

"It's alright, Uraraka, you did your best," Midoriya said before communication was cut. So Uraraka had no choice but to listen to Iida's muttering and struggling.

"Isn't T-Tsuyuri an expert at tying knots?" Uraraka tried to make small talk, but Iida didn't respond, too busy muttering about his family pride.

All of a sudden, the whole building shook and a loud explosion was heard. [Name] braced himself, trying not to fall from all the shaking. It came from the floor below, close to where he was standing.

Quickening his pace, [Name] ran towards the commotion to see Bakugo and Midoriya, pulling out the capture tape from his pocket. Midoriya's eyes widened once he saw [Name]. "Oh no, Tsuyuri's here too now," Midoriya murmured under his breath.

"Huh? Oi coin bastard, stay out of my way," Bakugo looked down at the capture weapon in [Name]'s hand. "You really think you ca-"

[Name] was suddenly gone.

Bakugo looked side to side and behind him, yet [Name] wasn't there, but suddenly a blow to his hunched back sent him crashing to the floor and a kick to the head that should have knocked him out was slightly misplaced as [Name] hurriedly grabbed his wrists.

[Name] tried to quickly put the capture tape on, yet Bakugo's hands lighting up made [Name] quickly whisper.

"Sixth Form: Whirling Peach"

Twisting with his body, [Name] managed to evade the explosion and land near Midoriya. "You bastard..." Bakugo muttered, standing, rubbing his aching jaw.

Bakugo was now furious.

He launched himself at both [Name] and Midoriya as [Name] leaped to the side to dodge. Midoriya activated his quirk, launching himself at Bakugo. However, Midoriya aimed his punch up instead, making the whole building shake more furiously than with Bakugo's past explosion.

It was such a violent vibration that [Name] crashed to the ground.


[Name]'s eyes widened as his coin fell out of his pocket.

"K-Kanae!" [Name] cried out, diving for the coin, yet he got thrown back into the wall by the harsh wind of Midoriya's attack, smacking his head against the wall and slumping down, vision blurring and voices getting more echoey.

"Hero Team Wins!" [Name] heard All Might's announcement, yet with his remaining strength, he reached towards the rubble in which his coin was trapped under.

"K-Ka-Kana-Kanae..." [Name]'s vision went black.

'I don't want to lose the gift you gave me'

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