Chapter 33 🌺

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Launching Sanemi's foot up, [Name] rolled to his left and took a stance, desperately searching for the coin in the unforgiving mist that had claimed it. "Oi, stop looking for that dumb coin and fight!"

Sanemi seemingly teleported before [Name] just evaded an attack, which seemed as if Sanemi really intended to seriously injure him or worse. [Name] pulled out his blade.

"Third Form: Camellia Ascension!"

However, this move was no match for Sanemi's high skill, who easily dodged it before [Name] was hit in the legs and knocked off his feet once more as Sanemi placed his sword with the tip pointing at [Name]'s throat. "Why are you so weak! Losing that coin was supposed to make you angry and fight more harshly, so do it before I throw the damn thing in a river to be lost forever!" [Name]'s eyes widened before Sanemi felt the bones crack in his jaw as [Name] threw his leg up and landed a well placed kick to Sanemi's chin.

Once Sanemi recovered after a few seconds, he noticed [Name] was gone, enshrouded in the mist. [Name] heaved as he ran, knowing he had no chance of finding the coin in the heavy mist. He must find the source and stop it.

"Huh?" An impassive voice spoke as [Name] turned quickly before his eyes widened even more at the sight of the mist hashira. 

Suddenly, Muichiro dashed towards [Name] at blinding speeds before attempting to land a hit to the lower half of [Name]'s body, which [Name] somehow evaded and only ended with a small cut on his calf. [Name] pulled the handcuffs out of his pocket. He was only given one, and so far [Name] knows he has two opponents.

If he handcuffed Muichiro, the mist would fade, but that would also give Sanemi an advantage; if he handcuffed Sanemi, he still wouldn't be able to see, and if there were any more opponents, [Name] would be screwed.

Muichiro jumped into the air and let off a powerful attack in multiple areas, so as [Name] attempted to dodge, he got hit more and more. [Name] clenched his teeth as blood poured from his body from the attack.

"First Form: Orchid Blossoming!"

Just like all Hashiras, Muichiro is extremely skilled, so evading attacks is easy for him, yet he blinked at the click of a handcuff before he looked at his ankles, which now had the signature golden cuff on them, meaning Muichiro had been defeated. Of course, if Muichiro wasn't wearing the compressive weights; he would have easily torn [Name] to shreds.

Slowly, the mist faded until [Name] could see the arena once more, and Muichiro wandered off to do whatever. [Name] ran back to where he was before and began looking for the coin, feeling the familiar dirt crawl up his fingernails and the oh-so-recognizable blood begin to seep from his cracked fingertips.

"I found you again!" [Name] threw himself to the side to see Sanemi's sword come flying past his face. "Don't run again; you don't have the cover of the mist now!" 


"Um... isn't this too harsh. I mean, Tsuyuri is strong, but 3 hashiras!?" Sero cried out.

"Plus they've chucked his coin away; we all know how much it means to him," Asui felt bad for [Name], who was currently on screen and being easily beaten by Sanemi, who ruthlessly attacked him.

"The wind hashira is being too violent with him!" Uraraka glared at the Hashira on the screen.

"I agree, but this is the faculty we're talking about. They have a plan on why they're doing this." Recovery Girl said.


[Name] coughed up blood as he tried to steady his breathing. Attempting to take an inhale to fight back, [Name] collapsed to the ground as he screamed in pain, which echoed throughout the arena.

"I knew it; you didn't let yourself fully recover from that stab wound. You told Kocho it missed, yet it hit you in the lung, didn't it!?" Sanemi shook [Name] violently. "You stupid boy! Now look at you pathetically wriggling because you are ignoring your own body!"

"Why did Kanae take you in, I wonder."

[Name]'s breath hitched for a moment.

A few years earlier

"Take him; he's worthless compared to his other siblings!" The boy's mother pushed him forward as his father watched the beaten boy in disgust as he was led off by another man as his siblings watched, knowing their brother's fate.

His breath was shaky as a rough hit to the head caused the boy to whimper as he was dragged out of the damaged home and chucked into the garden with all the other children. Snivelling as blood dripped from his nose, mouth, and head as he lied there, feeling hopeless.




Walking silently as the rope wrapped around his middle was clasped by the old man who sold the children off to slavery. He had seen other children go with the man, and he knew they would never have a good life. Now, it was his turn.

"Excuse me, do you have a minute?" A sweet, kind voice spoke before a woman with black hair and pale violet eyes wearing strange clothing crouched down in front of the boy. "Hello, there. Nice to meet you. My name is Kocho Kanae. What about you?"

"He's got no name, alright? Parents never gave him one, and if you want to talk to this kid, then pay up!" The man snarled as others began watching the scene as a girl next to the Kocho Kanae reached into her pocket.

"All right, then, we'll purchase him. Will this be enough?" Suddenly, coins and notes were scattered as the man watched in shock before the rope was snatched out of his hands and the two women and the small boy began running the other way.

"Are you sure about this? Please excuse us!" Kanae spoke softly.

"It's fine!" The other girl reassured.

The boy watched in shock as he ran with the two women to a place where he'd never feel that kind of pain again.




The woman he now knew as Shinobu was scrubbing his hair of all the dirt and muck he'd gathered throughout the years. Once he was clean, Shinobu began cutting the long mass of hair until it was neat and tidy, and then she helped the young boy into clean clothes.

"Sister! Sister, this child is completely hopeless!" Shinobu looked at Kanae, who simply smiled at her.

"Now, now, don't be like that, okay?" Kanae's voice was soothing. "I just love that smile of yours, Shinobu."

"But, we can't do anything with a kid who can't even think for himself! It's dangerous!" Shinobu argued as Kanae crouched down to talk to the boy who was sitting on the floor.

"All right, when you're on your own, you can decide by flipping this coin, right [Name]?" She smiled brightly as she placed the coin in his hands. "As long as it's given a chance, a person's soul will open up, so don't worry. When you fall in love, no matter who it is, you'll change, too, [Name]."

Present Time

[Name]'s eyes were full of rage as Sanemi was knocked down with strength never seen before as [Name] stood over him, and he had a murderous aura as he thrust down his blade.

'[Name] stop!'

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