My Hero Academia: Two Heroes

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(Remember, Two Heroes takes place after the internships, so for example, [Name] will still depend on his coin, Shinobu will still be alive ect)

(I cannot update chapters regarding the main story until more manga chapters have been published, but I don't want to leave you with nothing, so I decided to do the movies.)

"Looks like you're having fun, Deku." Uraraka smiled, but [Name] knew it was not a real one.

"Tsuyuri! You're here too!?" Midoriya was freaking out as [Name] stood next to Uraraka with his signature smile.

"W-Wait... Why are you holding children, Tsuyuri!? D-Don't tell me..." Midoriya began to panic as [Name] blinked in confusion as Uraraka quickly placed her hand over Midoriya's mouth.

"Haha, don't worry, they're just some girls that the Insect Hashira took in!" Uraraka laughed even though she made the exact same mistake early when the two had accidentally bumped into each other.

She instantly freaked out once she had first seen the children, and [Name] not understanding what she was implying made it worse as she attempted to imply things but [Name] was completely oblivious to her words.

Yaoyorozu coughed to announce her presence. "You appear to be having a good time,"

"Midoriya, I heard everything." Jiro huffed as [Name] knelt down to listen to Naho tell him something.

"Uh, are these four friends of yours?" The blonde-haired girl asked, and Midoriya introduced her as Melissa.

However, as Melissa spoke, she was suddenly dragged down by Midoriya, who began whispering to her as [Name] fixed Naho's braids as Yaoyorozu smiled at [Name] with the three girls. She didn't expect [Name] to be good at taking care of children, but it seems she was proven wrong by how soft [Name] was with the three and they clearly adore [Name] as well.

"Shall we all go swing by a cafe and order some tea?" Melissa suggested as the three young girls instantly agreed making Melissa chuckle slightly.

At the cafe, [Name] had a cup of green tea as Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho all had lemonade... they also had ice cream after they had begged [Name] for some and [Name]'s coin allowed it.

[Name] was wiping Kiyo's face, which was messy with the sweet treat, as Melissa smiled at the scene. [Name] wasn't really listening to the conversation until Melissa tapped him to gain his attention.

"Hey, is it true that you're the sister of the Japanese Insect Pillar Kocho Shinobu?" She asked as [Name] nodded, making her light up.

"Wow, that's amazing! There are other common pillars in other counties, but none that I have heard of are Insect Pillars!" Melissa gushed as [Name] nodded at her words.

It was true. There were Hashiras in many countries, but Japan's were the most prominent due to the high number of mysterious "cannibal" cases.

"Is that... Mineta?" Uraraka pointed to the two waitresses that [Name] had noticed, Mineta and Kaminari. Kaminari explained that the two took the part time job to basically have a vacation on the island.

Mineta began talking, but as soon as he saw [Name] with the three young girls, he and Kaminari rushed towards him.

"Since when did you have three kids, [Name]!?" Kaminari screeched. "How did your silent, coin-loving self get a girl before me!?" [Name] made a confused 'huh'.

"He doesn't have children; they stay at the Butterfly Estate. Y'know, where the Insect Hashira resides." Jiro explained.

[Name] saw Mineta looking at the three girls, and Mineta jumped as a kunai flew past his head.

"Why are you two slacking off? You said you wanted to make money, yet you aren't working!" [Name] turned to see Iida running at top speed towards them as Mineta and Kaminari screeched in fear.

"Iida, you're here too!?" Uraraka questioned as Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo looked at Iida's hero costume curiously.

"[Name], I thought the Ingenium Hero wasn't able to do hero work anymore?" Sumi asked as [Name] flipped his coin before answering.

"He can't, but that's his brother, Iida Tenya." [Name] explained as the three nodded.

Suddenly, a loud explosion in the distance caught [Name]'s attention as the three covered their ears in fright at the loud noise.

"What was that?" Midoriya asked as the group rushed to find the source of the noise, and it turned out to be Kirishima doing a competition.

"Now for our next competitor!" The girl announced as Midoriya screeched at the appearance of Bakugo as Sumi, Naho, and Kiyo peered over the edge of the viewing fence to look at the blonde-haired, temperamental male.

"3, 2, 1 g-" The girl didn't get to finish her words as Bakugo blasted off, destroying all of the robots in his path as he scored a time of 15 seconds and entered first place, which Bakugo was quite smug about.

However, once Bakugo drew his attention towards Midoriya, he blew up in anger, yelling and demanding to know why Midoriya was on the island. Bakugo also started rocking back and forth against the fence as the three girls giggled at the male's behaviour.

[Name] however was not paying attention and doing coin tricks as he looked up at hearing the woman announce Midoriya as another challenger. Unfortunately, Midoriya did not beat Bakugo's time but did gain second place at 16 seconds.

Soon, [Name] jumped a little at the girl, screaming at how someone had taken first place at 14 seconds, and [Name] saw Todoroki.

Bakugo blasted past him and began screaming at Todoroki, who ignored him, which provoked Bakugo even more.

Midoriya, Kirishima, and Iida all race to stop Bakugo from ruining their class' reputation as [Name] watches Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho chase each other about.

He felt bad for the three. They lost their parents to demons, so Shinobu took them in as helpers. It made [Name] angry that three girls lost their families due to heartless monsters; one even took [Name]'s own sister away from him.

The group explored multiple places around the island, but [Name] noticed how Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi began to get tired, so [Name] headed back early with the three girls.

"[Name], you're back." Aoi spoke from the kitchen in the large apartment they were staying in. "It was nice of Lady Kocho to allow us a holiday on the island."

[Name] nodded as he helped Aoi carry out plates of food. Looking at Melissa's new contact on his phone, [Name] read her message thanking everyone for such a wonderful day.

'Kanae, I have a bad feeling.'

Tsuyuri-Kun ¦¦ Bnha x KNY!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now