Chapter 61 🥀

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"Kill her before she murders someone!" Tomioka screamed as he stabbed Sumiko in the side, and [Name] hesitated as he clutched his weapon tightly. "Tsuyuri! What are you doing!? She'll go on a rampage if we don't kill her now!"

[Name] watched in horror as the burning on Sumiko's skin stopped. That's when [Name] realised Sumiko was immune to the sun. Sumiko slashed Tomioka on the chin as Inoko swung at her but missed.

"What are you doing!? He's your comrade, why are you attacking him?" Inoko yelled as Sumiko crouched, looking completely demonic. You wouldn't be able to get through to her... she was a demon now. The Demon Queen.

"Sumiko stop!" [Name] heard Zenko cry as [Name] tackled Inoko out of the way of Sumiko's attack.

[Name] began feeling dizzy from the blood loss but knew if he fell, the rest would soon follow. Inoko charged at her, ready to cut her, but stopped and began to cry.

However, before Inoko was killed, Nezuo jumped in the way and hugged his sister, even when she bit down harder on his shoulder. Zenko grabbed Sumiko from the back as he let out a horrific shriek.

"Stop Sumiko! That's Nezuo! He's turned back into a human, and you're going to just kill him already!?" Zenko held her tightly as Inoko slapped Sumiko on the back of the head, yelling at her to snap out of it and fight Muzan's cells.

Suddenly, the ground broke from under them, and Inoko, [Name], Zenko, and Tomioka were sent crashing back into walls as Sumiko held her brother in her arms as she growled like a wild animal.

Nezuo attempted to hit Sumiko to try to knock her out of her riotous state, but nothing worked, and [Name] knew they wouldn't be able to behead Sumiko to kill her. However, Sumiko had yet to devour Nezuo, which made [Name] realise he must still be fighting against Muzan's cells.

[Name] reached into his pocket, feeling the unbroken box as he prepared himself, feeling his only usable eye nervously.

"Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye!"

Darting past Tomioka, [Name] raced towards Sumiko. Jumping over her as Sumiko attempted to slice her, he quickly injected the serum into her shoulder and hoped for the return of Sumiko.

Sumiko paused in her attacks and crashed to the ground as her eyes closed for a while, and [Name] watched nervously as many kakushis began bandaging him up again as he focused on Sumiko.

[Name] could still see out of his eye. That's good.

Soon, Sumiko's eyes opened, and the first thing she did was apologise as [Name] smiled at her. She noticed his gaze and smiled back. [Name] blinked as something slithered up his arm, and [Name] looked to see a familiar white snake.

"Kuburamaru?" [Name] watched as it curled up around his shoulders and flicked its tongue.

[Name]'s eyes widened as he sat up, pushing the kakushis away. "Get off!" [Name] shoved them aside as he racked his memory of Uraraka's location.

[Name] began to run even as people screamed for him to stop and his body tried to drag him down, and Kuburumaru just clung on as he ran.

Running for what felt like a year, [Name]'s lungs burned and his heart pumped wildly as he continued to run, looking at the phone belonging to one of the kakushis. He had inputted the location and was running closer to it.

Soon, what he came across was pure destruction. Another was the body of his classmate, Bakugo Katsuki.

Jumping down next to him, Best Jeanist looked shocked at his arrival.

"Where were you?" Best Jeanist inquired. "Everyone assumed you had already been killed."

"I was busy fighting with my comrades." [Name] spoke as he looked at the body of Bakugo, who had been pierced multiple times.

"I-I'm a hero who can sneak into anywhere. I, Edgeshot, will not accept that this heart has stopped, so... I will become his heart!" Edgeshot declared as he slowly crept into Bakugo's motionless figure.

"Oi, I already destroyed that." [Name] turned around to see Shigaraki. However, Shigaraki looked unlike himself and instead like a wild beast, which reminded [Name] of a now deceased Demon King.

"I said... I already... destroyed that!" Shigaraki came charging as [Name] drew his sword; however, Mirko, the rabbit hero, appeared and kicked Shigaraki back; however, [Name] noticed she was extremely injured.

"Hey, the hells wrong with you?! You care about my dying? how kind of you, Mr. Demon Lord!" Mirko yelled as [Name] shook his head rapidly. He had just dealt with a Demon King and a Demon Queen, and now he has to deal with a Demon Lord?

[Name] charged towards Shigaraki. They needed to give Edgeshot time so they could stop Shigaraki in his tracks.

"Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo!"

[Name] snarled as Shigaraki regenerated instantly. He was like a demon in a way. Suddenly, Shigaraki morphed with fingers encasing his body in a seemingly unbreakable defense, but [Name] just fought Muzan; he knows everyone has weaknesses.

Seeing Togata run by [Name] registered how Eri must have been able to rewind him with her quirk, and he allowed a small smile to embrace his lips but only for a second.

"Stop trying to fix... what I've broken!" Shigaraki's eyes were sliced as [Name] jumped back behind Togata.

"You're alive, Tsuyuri. I'm relieved to see you, even if you look like death!" Togata laughed slightly as he dodged out of the way of an attack, as did [Name].

[Name] retreated to Amajiki as he looked at the injured indigo-haired male. [Name]'s eyes softened as he looked at his fallen senpai. He was still alive but if Shigaraki got to him, he wouldn't stand a chance.

Suddenly, [Name] heard Mandalay in his head. "We need to lift the electro-magnetic barrier; it'll take two seconds, so please just hold on!"

[Name] remembered how Mandalay had tried to contact him during his fight with Muzan, but due to the intense battle, [Name]'s mind blocked whatever she was trying to tell him.

However, as if a miracle had happened, Midoriya appeared. "Midoriya!" [Name] called out as Midoriya looked towards him with relief ever so present on his face as he dodged Shigaraki's attacks.

Unfortunately, Midoriya's eyes travelled straight to the fallen Bakugo and the rest of the injured heroes and students. Midoriya's eyes lit up in rage.

[Name] was treating his unconscious comrades as he looked towards Bakugo, who was being given CPR by Edgeshot from inside his body. Wrapping up Mirko's lost arm and leg, he moved on to Amajiki.

[Name] was thinking deeply about what he should do. It was extremely dangerous, but either this happened or the battle was lost to Shigaraki, or what used to be Shigaraki. However, he was blasted back by Midoriya and Shigaraki, trading blows as [Name] clutched onto his injured teammates so they wouldn't injure themselves even more.

Taking a deep breath and preparing for the worst. Using it twice in the same day would be extremely dangerous, but [Name] was prepared to take the risk to save his friends.

"Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye!"


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