Chapter 9 ✾

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"I've been waiting, All Might. You scum of society," The villain looked at the hero, speaking sourly. Other weak villains looked at All Might in fear. They were confident at first, but seeing him in the flesh terrified them to the core.

In a flash, all the weak villains were down, along with the hand of the villain's face snapping off as All Might appeared next to [Name] and the group.

"Tsuyuri, you saved Aizawa. Good." All Might praised as he looked at his co-worker's critical condition next to [Name], who began first aid as soon as All Might turned up. Having Shinobu as a medic really helped when it came to learning about medical training. It wouldn't do much for Aizawa's grave injuries, but it would prevent death from blood loss.

"All of you, go to the entrance. I'm leaving Aizawa in your care," All Might instructed as he stood up prepared to fight.

"Y-Yes, sir!" Mineta yelled and Asui ribbitted while [Name] just nodded, picking Aizawa up before beginning to walk back to the entrance as Mineta and Asui followed. However, Midoriya stayed exactly where he stood, making [Name] stop and wait for them.

"All Might, you can't the monster took one for- he took a punch from me that didn't break my arm, but he didn't even twitch," Midoriya pleaded, but All Might interrupted, saying everything would be fine and eventually Midoriya jogged to catch up the the rest of the group.



"T-Tsuyuri... will you help me?" Midoriya inquired, and [Name] turned with a hum, motioning him to continue. "All Might's in trouble. We need to help him. Please come with me," [Name] held Aizawa in one hand while flipping his coin with the other and looking at the results before nodding and motioning for Asui to take over holding Aizawa.

[Name] and Midoriya began running back to All Might, despite Mineta's protests. [Name] ran more gracefully and quicker than Midoriya. "All Might!" Midoriya screamed, running quicker.

"How foolish!" A warp gate opened up in front of Midoriya, but before he was warped, a strong force grabbed Midoriya by the collar and pulled him backwards as Bakugo appeared, slamming the warp villain to the ground. Then, ice spread across the ground and froze most of the monsters holding All Might.

[Name] took the opportunity to slice off the arm that was digging into All Might's stomach, which released the hero. Kirishima attempted to attack the hand villain, but the villain dodged, causing Kirishima to whine that he didn't get to show off at all.

"The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you," Todoroki spoke coldly, as [Name] agreed with his words with a small head nod.

"Kacchan! Everyone!" Midoriya struggled to hold back his tears of relief. The hand villain looked around at the new students.

"Our exit and entrance has been overcome. We're in a bit of trouble here." he spoke as Bakugo smirked, looking down at the warp villain he had pinned to the ground.

"You careless bastard, you're exactly what I thought you to be. Only certain parts of you can turn into that mist and you used it to cover your actual body!" Bakugo proudly spoke, his ego rising due to his discovery.

The warp villain began to struggle, but faint explosions made him pause. "Don't move! If you move a single inch, then I'll blow you up!" Bakugo threatened.

"T-That isn't very heroic of you, Bakugo..." Kirishima smiled awkwardly.

"Kids are amazing these days... none of you have a single injury. You make us villains look bad," the hand villain spoke before turning towards the still frozen monster. "Nomu," Todoroki's eyes widened as the monster broke off his own limbs to escape the ice.

"He's still moving?" Midoriya stepped back slightly.

"Everyone, stay back!" All Might warned the group as the monster known as Nomu regenerated once more, causing [Name] to silently 'tch' under his breath. "What? His quirk wasn't shock absorption?" All Might stood up again, taking a defensive stance.

"This is not his only quirk; this is another one of his. Nomu has been designed to take you at your absolute best." The hand villain explained, and the sound of his voice indicated he was smirking under the hand.

[Name] and the others all took a stance, preparing to attack. "First, we need our gate back, Nomu." The hand villain ordered and the group's eyes widened in shock as the Nomu charged straight towards Bakugo.

However, before the Nomu reached Bakugo, [Name] tackled him out of the way, causing them to both roll and land with [Name] on top of Bakugo as he quickly got up and drew his katana, but a massive gust of wind almost blew him back, but [Name] once more dug his blade into the ground and grabbed Bakugo by the wrist, holding onto him so he wouldn't be blown away like the others.

"K-Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled in worry but gasped when he saw Bakugo next to [Name] and instead of Bakugo, who crashed into the wall, it was All Might.

"So, you protected the child?" The hand villain tilted his head slightly.

"Do you not know how to hold back!" All Might yelled out as the hand villain just shrugged casually.

"It was to rescue my comrade. I mean, earlier that plain-looking one was about to punch me with all he had," The hand villain pointed at Midoriya. "You know what, All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorises the same violent acts as heroic or villainous, deciding what's good or bad." The hand villain snarled.

"Violence only breeds violence. That's what the world will know after your death!" The hand villain laughed as All Might frowned harder.

Todoroki butt in "It's 6 against 3, you won't win this."

"Kacchan already exposed the mist's weakness!" Midoriya added.

"We'll back up, All Might," Kirishima hardened his arms, "we can push them back!".

"No!" All Might interjected, "Run away."

Todoroki began to explain how if he and the others hadn't turned up, All Might would have been in trouble, to which All Might acknowledged his point yet still denied them to help. "Thank you, Todoroki, but it's fine; just watch as a pro gives it his all!"

"All Might, you're bleeding! and time's almost-" Midoriya cut himself off from his protests, but All Might simply gave him a thumbs up.

Immediately, Nomu and All Might began trading blows, which blasted all the surrounding people back. However, [Name] dug his sword in and all the students held onto each other to prevent themselves from flying backwards. Kirishima was gripping on to [Name]'s uniform tightly as Midoriya held onto him ect. Bakugo decided he wouldn't be blasted back and refused to hold on, but as expected, he got sent tumbling back to which Todoroki grabbed him by his gauntlet.

All Might and Nomu began exchanging blows faster than the average eye could keep up with. However, with [Name]'s great vision, he saw each one.

"Hey villain, have you ever heard these words before? Go beyond... Plus Ultra!" All Might screamed, and the Nomu went soaring through the window and was sent flying into the sky.

Once the extreme winds stopped, everyone let go of each other as [Name] looked at his sword that was now blunt from being stabbed into the hard ground multiple times. He would have to polish it while using his spare one. Haganezuka would not be pleased. [Name] would have to go buy him mitarashi dango later so he wouldn't come knives blazing.

"His brute strength is insane!" Kirishima admired in shock as all the other members of the group also looked equally shocked, aside from [Name], who stared sadly at his sword. Luckily, [Name] knew he might be in a fight, so he handed his coin to Asui quickly to take care of while he fought.

'Kanae, I fought well, right?' 

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