Chapter 34 🌹

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"Recovery Girl! It's already been too long; the match should have ended!" Yaoyorozu said as Recovery Girl sighed.

"It's because this match isn't testing Tsuyuri's abilities; it's pushing Tsuyuri to the breaking point to get over whatever made him like how he is. We got requested by Shinobu herself to do so." Recovery Girl spoke.

"To the breaking point? But what about the training camp?" Iida questioned.

"He would go regardless. The faculty already know that Tsuyuri is pretty much at pro level. This is just to help, but I do agree that it is a bit harsh on a child." Recovery Girl sighed again as she watched the screen.

Meanwhile, [Name] froze as his hands shook from what he just heard. That voice. That sweet, soft, comforting voice. Where is it? [Name] spun around in all directions, searching, as Sanemi stared at him in confusion.

However, [Name] lurched backwards to avoid a kick from Sanemi as the hashira jumped to his feet. [Name] staggered as he had begun to feel tired and short of breath due to blood loss. Sanemi quickly reacted, sending multiple attacks towards [Name].

"Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum!"

The attacks were deflected, but [Name]'s lungs begged for him to stop, yet he ignored the agony he was feeling in his chest and inhaled.

"Eight Form : Chrysanthemum"

Sanemi looked up to see [Name] spin in the air before a barrage of attacks were sent his way. However, a gust of wind sent [Name] flying back and crashing into a nearby wall as his body fell to the ground and [Name] struggled to breathe in his now winded state. Sanemi walked closer and closer before he pulled the coin [Name] was so desperately searching for out of his pocket.

Stepping on [Name]'s head, Sanemi looked down on him. "Pathetic." Sanemi dropped the coin before stepping on it keeping it captive under his foot as [Name] pitifully reached out for it. However, [Name] suddenly changed paths and grabbed Sanemi's other ankle before pulling it forward causing Sanemi to stumble backwards.

"Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility"

Sanemi snarled as [Name] was gone amongst the flowers, having taken the chance to run. Looking down, Sanemi noticed how the coin was gone, meaning [Name] had grabbed it back.

Wheezing, [Name] ran to find an escape gate, but so far had no luck. Blood dripped to the ground as light-headedness began kicking in as [Name]'s movements slowed as he noticed himself begin to fall, and his eyes met black hair and blue eyes along with a duel-coloured haori looking down at him before his eyes closed to embrace the darkness welcoming him.




Opening his eyes, he was met with the familiar room of the nurse's office. Sitting up he was greeted with a worried Uraraka and Midoriya. "Tsuyuri!" Uraraka cried as she instantly sat up.

"I was so worried." Uraraka frowned as [Name] fixed his messy hair. "It wasn't fair for them to do that!"

[Name] sighed as he felt in his pocket the coin he had just managed to swipe before running; however, [Name] knew he had failed the exam. "I failed."

"No, you didn't, your exam wasn't about going to the camp, it was... something else." Midoriya explained as [Name] looked slightly surprised but nodded before the door opening alerted him.

"Oh, you're up, that's good," Recovery Girl smiled as she walked up to him. "You're quite injured, so make sure to rest, okay?" [Name] could sense a threat in her words and decided to nod to keep her happy.




"Everyone... I'm looking forward to... hearing your stories... about training camp..." Ashido sniffled as [Name] next to her wiped her tears with a tissue as she tried not to fully burst into tears.

"W-We don't know for sure yet, there might be a last minute twist!" Midoriya tried to reassure them but was stopped by Sero, who put his hand on his shoulder and sighed.

"Stop, Midoriya. If you say it out loud, you'll jinx it." Sero sighed as now Ashido was hugging [Name] and crying into his shoulder as [Name] stood frozen like a statue at the sudden hug.

"If we failed the exams, then we'd have to skip the training camp and do summer school. We didn't pass the practical exam. If you guys don't understand, then you're completely stupid!" Kaminari attempted to poke Midoriya in the eyes, but a hand gripped his wrist tightly as [Name] held him back with ease as Kaminari whined before giving up.

"Once the bell rings, get in your seats." Aizawa ordered as everyone was instantly in their seats. "Good morning. Unfortunately, some of you did not pass your exams, but with the training camp. You're all going." Aizawa smiled, yet the smile looked quite unusual.

"We can go, too!?" Kirishima cried happily.

"Really!?" Ashido was crying again.

"Yeah. Some of you failed, but no one failed the written exam, but in the practical Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed." Aizawa explained as [Name] looked to see a tear slip out of Sero's eye. "However, we have prepared extra lessons for you lot who failed."

"Well at least we all get to go together," Ojiro smiled as [Name] nodded at him.

"A week of training camp, huh." Iida read the leaflet handed out.

"We have to bring a lot with us..." Midoriya sighed at the list of things to bring.

"I don't actually have a swimsuit," Kaminari admitted.

"Well, since we'll all be off tomorrow, why don't we all go shopping together?" Hagakure suggested as she popped out from behind [Name].

"Oh, good idea!" Kaminari agreed. "Wouldn't that be the first time we've all hung out together?" Uraraka nodded rapidly at his words.

"Oi, Bakugo, you're coming, too!" Kirishima smiled.

"Like I'd do something so irritating." Bakugo walked out.

"You too, Tsuyuri!" Kirishima almost collapsed as [Name] brought out his dreaded coin and flipped it, but his whole world lit up once [Name] nodded after the results had been flipped.

However, in reality, he had already agreed to Uraraka's request, and the coin did land on no for Kirishima, but [Name] decided not to tell him that.

'I don't like Sanemi, Kanae. What did you see in him?'

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