Chapter 15.

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Lily POV

I stood by my word when I said I didn't want to see him again and luckily he respected my choice by staying away.

It seemed like the longest we have stayed without talking - a week and two day.

It was quite hard as I was already used to having him around almost everytime. I decided to focus on school and myself.

Going back to my research on the artifacts I found, I was typing up a report when my phone started ringing.


"Hey, what's up" I said as I answered the phone.

Don't get it wrong, just because Kieran and I aren't in good terms doesn't mean I don't still talk to Alexis and Ryan.

"...trying to put up with Kieran all week. Have you made up your mind"

"oh! It's about that. I thought you were calling to check up on me." I said whining like a child before removing my laptop from my laps to stretch out a little.

"I'm sorry but he's literally getting crazy here. He challenged four of our best warriors and sent all them to the pack hospital"

"Ryan, that's his problem not mine. He has the right to choose how to rule his pack and other ones. I don't have the right to dictate his ways"

"what really happened that you can't forgive him. Mates don't stay this long apart without rejecting each other."

"Yeah, I'm working on that one. Still clueless as the internet is void of the rejection process"

"Li, why don't you just take some more time off and think about this very carefully because it's going to affect the both of you very much and in as much as he is very close to me I wouldn't want to see you hurt, okay"

"Ryan, now you are making me feel bad" I groaned

"Li... you're not the bad guy. I'm just looking out for you. You are our Luna after all" he said before adding a quick "talk to you later, Kieran needs me"

"Bye" I said into the phone which he had already hung up on.

I got up from my bed and quickly changed into a brown top and blue jeans and headed out as my class was about to begin.

I went down after locking the door as Amanda wasn't around since she had gone to pay her parents a little visit and she hasn't been back for two days. When I called to check up on her she said something about being caught up with some kind of family reunion stuff.

I went down and saw the usual archeology coaster bus in the parking lot probably waiting for us to pile in.

When it was full with majority of us, our
lecturer spoke up.

"Settle down people. Today we have a very important person with us. This is Mr. Colton Sullivan." she said pausing for some time as an aged man with grey hair and beard entered the bus. He should be in his late fifties or even older. "For those of you who makes a lot of researches you would know him. He is a famous archaeologist, who was able to discover the remains of an ancient war, escavate tons of artifacts and tombs."

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