Chapter 41.

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Lily POV

Yeah I know, I am a coward when it comes to facing my issues so I just run after every fight.

That day was different, I didn't run away. I simply went to visit my parent and also because the pack is going on lockdown soon and I still have movements to make and I don't want to be trapped there.

Anyways, the house is rowdy today, why? Because I'm graduating today.

Every one is running about making sure everything is perfect. My maternal relatives were all present. Nala was the person in charge of my make up today while my mom's elder sister did my hair.

I'm the first graduate in our family.

My mom was the first to get married and have a child and blah blah blah .

"Stay still or I'll make sure you look like a clown today." Nala threatened me while she was drawing a wing with my eyeliner and the urge to sneeze was now unbearable.

Before I could let it out, her finger was under my nose. "don't you dare"

I gave her a sheepish smile before keeping still.

"is it a full blown makeup you're going for?" my aunt asked making her presence known.

"Nah! That will have to wait till she's walking down the aisle. That reminds me, is your sexy boyfriend going to come"

Somewhere in me, I had to hold in a growl, probably Reina being possessive and jealous.

"hey! That's all you girl" Reina snapped.

"Ana!" I came back to reality seeing her snap her fingers before my eyes. "So is he?"

Putting a tight smile on my "Sadly he won't make it, he's not in the country currently" I lied through my teeth.

"Oh" after that she didn't bring him up again.

My aunt soon started doing my hair and I couldn't stop myself from drifting down memory lane.

When Kieran took me to that carnival.

The paint ball fight.

The teddy he won for me.

When I had that nightmare and he showed up in the middle of the night to comfort me.

My birthday surprise party.

My car.

My laptop he bought for me the day mine stopped.

Coming to my defense during that vampire attack.

When I got into a fight with mum, he found me.

His compliments to me.

His care and attention to me after I came out of the coma.

Yeah! Most of them are just vanity but to me, it's the thought that counts, right?

That's when my brain and heart got into an argument over the question I was pondering on

Maybe, just maybe I was a little harsh that night?

'No' my brain echoed

'Yes' my heart shouted

He doesn't care about us

But he actually does.

He only cares about his title, pack and reputation.

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