Chapter 43.

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Dedicated to zoodiebug for being an amazing reader and support system

Lily POV

With a loud groan, I rubbed my eyes before opening them. I blinked a couple times to adjust my eyesight on my environment.

Looking around, I knew I was in Kieran's room. My hand went to my forehead and there was a warm wet clothing laid there. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I removed the clothing and dumped it on the table. I sat up and looked around and it was then I saw Kieran on a chair next to me sleeping.

He did look different in a good way. He looked hotter and calmer. It was an odd sight for me. I was used to his cold emotionless expression every single time of the day. My hand reached forward to touch his chin but I was able to catch myself halfway.

What am I doing

His stubble made him have this sexy look.

Why am I checking him out vividly.

Have I gone insane.

With my eyes still noticing every single thing I didn't notice earlier, his eyes snapped open when his phone let out a low vibration.

His orbs was staring directly at mine and I couldn't stop myself from staring back. If not for the vibration that alerted us again we could have been staring at each other like hypnotised goons.

Snapping out of the trance, he cleared his throat "how are you feeling?"

I shrugged not knowing exactly how I felt "normal?"

His eyes were seeking for permission as his hands reached for my face. I gave a light nod and his hand came in with my forehead. The tingles that spread within my skin making my face to suddenly feel hot and I knew I was beetroot red.

Thank goodness for dim lighting of the room and the drawn curtains.

"Your temperature is still quite high but close to normal"

"When did you become a doctor?" I low-key teased him which made a smile appear on his face.

"About 5 hours ago" he said as his hands went through my hair creating a calming effect which he always had on me. "You really outdid yourself out there"

"I messed up, didn't I?" I said not meeting his eyes.

A very short chuckle left his lips. "You did what I being a coward couldn't."

"He's going to gang up against you with his other followers. You're going to pay the price for my lack of composure"

Oh my goodness!

I didn't think this through

What if he's stripped of his title because of me.

Will he ever forgive me?

One look at him and I know he read my thoughts, I blocked him out before listening to him. "If that happens just know it wasn't your fault and of course I'll forgive you. We will probably get to live a peaceful..." he trailed off when our eyes met. "I'm thinking too ahead of myself, aren't I?"

I gave him a small smile before shrugging. "What happens now? Judgement"

"Actually a funeral" he said nonchalantly.

My eyes widened in horror as tears filled them "What have I done" I mumbled under my breath.

Why is he still being nice.

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