Part 5

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Ana’s POV

Diary entry – 9/12

Dear Diary,

School starts tomorrow. I can’t believe I’m a junior already. It feels like just yesterday I was a little freshman with no friends getting lost in the halls of Huntington High. I can’t believe this journey through high school is almost over! Haha just kidding! I can’t wait to get out of that hell hole. Just two more years. Maybe it won’t be so bad this year though. I might actually have a boyfriend there, and if I did, I wouldn’t have to deal with crude comments from guys and pitying looks from those popular b—sorry Diary, those girls just make me mad. In their world, guys are everything. To be popular, you have to have a hot boyfriend and you have to be sleeping with him. I’m sure the guys don’t mind this, but a girl shouldn’t have to sleep around just to have friends. I was really lucky finding Amber and Patrick. I’ll make sure to give them a really big hug when I see them.

I’m going to glue the picture of Lewis to the page when I finish writing this so you can see him, Diary. I can’t believe I was lucky enough to meet him. Is it bad that I want to jump him, kiss him, and never let go of him every time I see him? Eh, I can’t help it. He just seems to, I don’t know. But what I do know is that when I’m with him, he brings out a better part of me. Singing at the coffee shop, that amazing kiss, why can’t things like that happen to me every day? I’ve been so much happier since I met Lewis. Everyone has noticed, except my dad of course. I can’t even remember the last time he said something other than, “I’m going out”. Oh wait, I think last Monday he said, “I’ll see you in a couple days”. No joke. He’s such a great father. Sarcasm, of course. I was talking to Pat and Amber on the phone yesterday (I just learned how to do a 3-way call!) and Amber and I decided we’re going to change our hair for school tomorrow. We want to start the year off fresh. We’re going to the salon as soon as Amber gets here. Wait, I think that’s her at the door. Time to go, Diary! I hope you enjoy the picture of Lewis!

Until next time,



“Ana!!!” Amber screamed! “Are you ready to look AMAZING? I already made appointments for us with Jaque and Jerome. They’re gay, French twins. How awesome is that??? Pat really wanted to come meet them but he had to go to, what was it again? Oh yeah, he had to go to his Grandma’s 80th birthday party, so it’s just going to be us.” Amber kept babbling on. I didn’t even bother trying to get a word in, seeing her this excited was a pretty rare thing.

“Mon petites! Darlings! Come have a seat and let us work our magic!” One of the twins called to us. Jaque and Jerome were completely identical. It was a little weird. They sat us next to each other and began inspecting our hair. They talked to each other rapidly in French, and Amber and I exchanged an amused look.

“Ok, darling,” The twin doing Amber’s hair spoke. “You need some volume, some umph. Something to make you more mysterious.” He thought for a moment. “You need dark brown and curly. No more blonde.” She smiled and nodded.

“Mysterious, I like it!”

“For you,” My hairdresser said thoughtfully. “For you, a little shorter to bring out your magnificent bone structure, and lighter with blonder streaks. Very beach goddess, yes?” I just nodded, going along with what he said. He was the professional after all.

It took about an hour and a half to finish our hair, but the results were completely worth it.

“Ana you look completely incredibly – oh there aren’t even words to describe it!” She laughed.

“Wow, you too, Amber. You look amazing.” I turned to Jaque and Jerome. “You guys are the best! Thank you!” They just grinned and shrugged. Patrick just had to meet them.

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